26 Healing Crystals To Help With Shoulder Pain

Are you suffering from shoulder pain, a condition becoming increasingly common thanks to our sedentary lifestyles? If so, you’re likely not alone.

Many of us are on the lookout for effective remedies to alleviate physical pain and emotional discomfort, often caused by illness or the strain of daily life.

In this light, crystals to help with shoulder pain emerge as a beacon of hope, offering a unique blend of energy, balance, and healing properties.

These specific stones have been revered for centuries for their ability to reduce inflammation, speed up recovery, and restore the body’s true state of well-being naturally.

This article will take a detailed look at how integrating these favourites into your routine can lead to a more free-flowing and pain-free existence.

By using crystals as a form of alternative therapy, we help ourselves back to health, embracing an age-old method to complement modern medical treatments.

Join me on this journey to uncover how crystals can offer relief from shoulder pain and bring balance back into our lives.

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What Are The Causes Of Shoulder Pain?

The shoulder, a marvel of biological engineering, performs a delicate dance of muscles, tendons, and joints, making it vulnerable to a wide spectrum of ailments.

From overuse to arthritis, the wear and tear on this complex structure can lead to a gnawing pain that affects every movement.

While conventional medicine offers effective interventions, its merits often overlook the holistic touch of crystal healing.

This ancient practice, with its tangible yet subtle approach, aims to correct energetic imbalances that exacerbate shoulder discomfort, offering a complementary path to relief and balance.

Crystals To Help With Shoulder Pain

Our journey through exhaustive research has unveiled a list of crystals with renowned prowess in assuaging the discomfort of shoulder ailments.

Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Black Tourmaline stand out for their serene, loving, and protective healing properties.

Each stone carries a unique vibrational signature, offering a bespoke healing experience tailored to individual needs.

Their potent and consistent use in healing showcases a unique and potent potential to transform physical discomfort into a state of wellness.

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1. Amethyst

Amethyst is celebrated for its ability to soothe the mind and offer pain freedom, reducing stress that can be an underlying cause of headaches, migraines, and arthritis.

It supports not only muscle and shoulder health but also the stomach, heart, and skin, enhancing overall well-being.

This crystal cleanses the aura of negative energy and blockages, addressing depression, anxiety, and hormonal imbalances, making it the go-to crystal for those seeking to heal.

Its vibrational energy can penetrate deep into tissues, easing tension and inflammation to aid recovery in sore upper back areas and chronic conditions like osteoarthritis.

Recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties, Amethyst also tackles emotional and spiritual imbalances that may exacerbate physical ailments.

Its calming energies are a boon for combating insomnia and chronic pain, with some even placing it under their pillow for peaceful sleep.

Fashion enthusiasts have found innovative ways to incorporate Amethyst into their wardrobes, using it as a strap dress style statement or as a healing energy wand for therapeutic massaging of the shoulders, rolling out trapped energy to allow flow and relief.

2. Selenite

In the realm of overall muscle soreness—whether from sport, work out, or long hours at desks leading to back pain—the debilitating experience of shoulder pain calls for more than just traditional treatments.

Enter Selenite, a powerful ally with an ethereal glow that’s not only a feast for the eyes but also possesses the ability to instill deep peace and clarity.

Its unique properties bridge the physical and emotional realms, making it a versatile choice for those seeking direct relief.

By placing it on your chest or back, its vibrations target the affected area, promoting faster healing and offering relief from emotional and mental stress with its calming properties.

Selenite shines in dispelling negative emotions and mental blockages, addressing underlying issues to prevent recurrence.

Its potent healing properties are amplified when paired with Amethyst, for reducing stress and insomnia, and Black Tourmaline, known for its grounding properties and removing negative energies that exacerbate pain.

For maximum benefit, the method of application involves placing Selenite directly on the affected area for about 11 minutes, while you visualize pain dissipating as warm, healing energy surrounds you, leveraging the body’s innate healing capabilities in a meditative approach that works wonders across realms of discomfort.

This approach, renowned for its effectiveness, provides a faster route to relief for both chronic conditions and preventing their recurrence, showcasing how the healing prowess of crystals can complement and enhance traditional methods when utilized correctly.

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3. Labradorite

Labradorite, known as the stone of transformation, emerges as a powerful ally in alleviating shoulder pain, with its mesmerizing play of colors—from deep blues to vibrant greens—that captivates the eye and resonates with the body’s energy centers.

Its mystical and therapeutic properties make it a top choice for those suffering from the healing bond broken by physical strain and emotional stress.

The healing benefits of Labradorite extend through a holistic approach to pain relief, improving blood circulation in shoulder muscles and ensuring adequate oxygen and nutrients to alleviate symptoms of muscle tension and strain.

Beyond its physical relief, it’s a powerful tool that clears the aura, removes unwanted energy, and banishes fears, creating a conducive environment for the body’s natural healing processes.

The spiritual and emotional benefits of Labradorite encourage change, balance, and self-discovery for those feeling emotionally weighed down, offering a sense of lightness and clarity to break away from negative patterns and habits that are contributing to discomfort.

Additionally, it enhances psychic vision and intuition, providing insights into the root causes of emotional trauma and past injuries, addressing the underlying issues that affect everyday life.

Incorporating Labradorite into your daily routine, whether by wearing it as a pendant or keeping a tumble stone in your pocket, and its association with the Throat chakra, Crown chakra, and Heart chakra, especially when placing it near the shoulder, can amplify its healing effects.

For those curious about its metaphysical properties, Labradorite’s connection to the water element, resonating with the fluidity and flow of life, and its energy vibration that ranges between 6-7, positions it as a potent stone for energy work and healing sessions.

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4. Howlite

Howlite is a beacon of pain relief for those suffering from chronic pain, specifically designed to decrease tension in the neck, shoulders, and back.

Its influence on the endocrine system and circulatory system is particularly beneficial during winter, keeping blood flowing and ensuring relaxing properties that settle nerves in high stress situations.

Known for its sedative nature, Howlite facilitates better sleep, whether placed under a pillow as a tumble stone or worn as a Howlite bracelet for a good night’s rest.

It aims to calm the body and soothe the soul with its gentle effects and sedative energy, restoring balance in high-stress situations.

By alleviating nervous system overactivity and muscle tension, it promotes healing sleep—a key meaning behind its use.

It supports not just the endocrine system but helps you to rest easy, significantly reducing both pains and physical problems related to stress.

Advised to carry or wear close to the skin, its soothing vibes are a testament to Howlite’s profound impact on well-being.

Also Read: 17 Best Crystals For Anxiety And Depression

Causes Of Shoulder Pain

5. Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline, a powerful crystal known as Schorl, sucks away negative energy and removes it from both mind and body, including EMF pollution from technology that weakens the aura and causes pain-related symptoms.

Ideal for those spending long hours at a desk, it offers grounding properties that align and balance chakras, infusing positive, uplifting energy to restore physical energy and wellbeing.

This crystal is particularly effective in releasing stress and tension in muscles, making it a valuable ally against arthritis and bolstering the immune system during the winter months to prevent flus and colds.

Beyond its health benefits, Black Tourmaline is celebrated for its protective properties, acting as a shield against negative energies and destructive forces, and can be fashioned into a crystal shoulder necklace or bracelet as both a fashion statement and protective barrier against environmental pollutants and radiation.

Its muscle relief qualities are enhanced when electrically charged through heating, rubbing, or massaging crystals onto shoulders with gentle pressure, facilitating natural energy flow to relieve upper back and shoulder muscles.

As a grounding stone, it connects the Earth with the human spirit, alleviating emotional and mental stress while aligning energy centres with healing light and promoting self-confidence for a clearer view of the world.

When used in combination with crystals like Amethyst and Rose Quartz, or in Tourmalinated Quartz—Quartz embedded with Black Tourmaline needles—it enhances the healing effects, channeling energy directly to the source of pain and promoting a harmonious balance of polarity energies for holistic remedy against various causes of shoulder pain, such as tension, stress, and osteoarthritis.

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6. Lepidolite

Lepidolite, an awe-inspiring gem, presents a dazzling spectacle of nature that offers fantastic relief for shoulder pain.

Its magic, embedded with lithium, manifests solutions to anxieties and stress affecting the shoulder muscles.

Acting as a balancing act for physical discomfort, it serves as a guardian of balance, clearing pathways for energy and overcoming patterns of suffering.

Beyond merely lighting the path to tranquility, its emotional harmony and physical relief are derived from its glorious appearance, which strengthens the emotional core amidst poor mental health, acting as a reservoir of courage and stability.

When touch is applied to a sore upper back, Lepidolite’s journey in managing pain allows one to live more fully, with anxieties becoming a distant echo.

Its deep dive into healing properties showcases potent energy that resonates with the heart, third eye, and crown chakras, aligning energy centers to prevent recurrence.

Customizing the experience is enhanced by combining it with Amethyst and Tourmaline, which amplifies a customized healing journey tailored to both symptoms and root causes.

As a companion every step of the way, especially in cases resulting in osteoarthritis, Lepidolite becomes a lonely yet silent ally, understanding every nuance and working meticulously to transform each moment of suffering into one of relief.

7. Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate, with its stunning patterns and soft hues, is revered among healing crystals for its mesmerizing appearance and extensive benefits, especially for those grappling with shoulder pain.

This remarkable crystal, adorned with intricate, banded patterns, stands as a testament to nature’s artistry, amplifying courage and strengthening spirit.

Its soft blue and white bands act as a guide to the mind, offering peace and solace amidst physical discomfort and helping to release tension in the upper shoulder muscles.

Whether placing it directly on the affected area or wearing a crystal shoulder necklace, Blue Lace Agate clears negative energy and resonates with the throat chakra, directly connected to the health of the neck and shoulders, thus balancing and promoting harmony.

Known as the stone of truth and communication, it facilitates the ability to express repressed feelings without fear of being judged or rejected.

Applying it with the right hand in a crystal hands massage can enhance honest communication and emotional well-being, releasing physical tension.

Beyond its focus on the shoulders, Blue Lace Agate’s healing beyond the shoulders and extensive benefits are a boon, with its healing properties used to treat brain imbalances, calm overactive thinking, and soothe anxiety and panic attacks.

Its physical healing properties are effective in alleviating ailments like fever, inflammation, thyroid deficiencies, and arthritis, making it a versatile tool in the healing toolkit.

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8. Amazonite

Amazonite, the stone of hope, with its mesmerizing green-blue gem hues, has been admired for centuries, its name derived from the Amazon River—a blend of legend and fact reflecting its soothing shades of tropical waters and a feast for the eyes and boon for the soul.

Despite its Historical Significance and Origin in ancient civilizations like the Egyptians who held it in high regard—even in the Book of the Dead and among the treasures of King Tutankhamun—concrete evidence of it being found in the Amazon region is scant, with significant deposits located in Miass, Russia, Pike’s Peak, Colorado, and other locations including Madagascar, Canada, and Brazil.

Beyond its pretty face, Amazonite boasts therapeutic properties to alleviate muscle spasms, normalize calcium levels in the body, offering relief from stress and exhaustion, and aiding in cell regeneration and the healing of injuries and illnesses.

Its calming energy supports speaking with confidence and eloquence, promoting truth in communication.

As a jewelry blend of elegance and protection, it’s one of the most popular ways to incorporate it into daily life, with its attractive hues making necklaces, bracelets, and earrings not just an aesthetic appeal but a fashion statement inviting positivity and protection.

Caring for its luster and beauty involves regularly cleansing to maintain its healing properties, with methods such as smudging with sage or Palo Santo or harnessing the power of the moon, as recommended by crystal enthusiasts.

9. Bloodstone

Bloodstone is a must-have stone for women, known to reduce pain and symptoms associated with PMS, menopause, and childbirth.

This detoxifying crystal works to cleanse and purify the bloodstream, stimulating the circulatory system and acting as a warrior for your health.

Recognized as a beautiful blood healing gem, it connects with the root chakra to act as a blood cleanser, stimulating circulation and offering relief to those who suffer from PMS and other pains.

It’s also known for its organ boost capabilities, encouraging healing and pain relief throughout the body, making you battle-ready.

To meditate with Bloodstone, place it near the root chakra or on the lower abdomen to directly target the areas in need.

10. Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz, the stone of self-love and peace, brings tranquility into lives touched by loss and grief, and elevates the mood while supporting the reproductive system, kidneys, thyroid, and alleviating skin issues.

Its anti-inflammatory properties cool and soothe chronic pain, offering relief from the debilitating experience of injuries, arthritis, and stress.

Beyond treating physical ailments, Rose Quartz addresses the emotional balance and physical relief needed when shoulder pain reflects physical and emotional burdens.

Its dynamic healing properties get to the root causes of pain, promoting emotional balance and physical relief from emotional distress and past traumas through holistic healing.

Wearing a crystal shoulder necklace made of Rose Quartz is not only fashionable but therapeutic, allowing constant contact with the skin so the crystal’s energy can penetrate the affected area for continuous healing.

Positioned in proximity to the heart chakra, such a necklace can amplify the effects on both emotional and physical pain.

Moreover, massaging with Rose Quartz on the shoulders integrates massage therapy with crystal healing, specifically targeting upper shoulder muscles to enhance the benefits of regular massage, easing soreness and tension.

For those dealing with general shoulder pain or specific conditions like osteoarthritis, Rose Quartz offers comfort and can reduce the severity of pain associated with the condition.

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11. Hematite

Hematite, a dutiful detox stone, is celebrated as a great all-round gem for clearing out the body of unwanted substances and flushing out toxins, thus helping to improve circulation and boost strength and vitality when you’re feeling tired or washed out.

Rejoice in the fresh energy that carrying this gem brings, with its grounding and well-known capabilities for neutralizing negative energy, keeping you feeling close, strong, and protected from the debilitating experience of injuries, arthritis, and stress.

Beyond traditional methods, the power of crystals like Hematite can alleviate discomfort, making it stand out in the vast world of healing crystals.

Despite its metallic gray appearance, it’s not just a pretty stone; its grounding properties are essential for those suffering from excruciating shoulder pain, balancing negative forces that trigger troubles and restoring a harmonious flow of energy in the body.

Known as the stress stone, it addresses emotional and mental stress that can manifest as physical pain in the shoulders on a subtle level, balancing the emotional energy bodies and reducing anxiety, thus promoting calm in daily activities.

An effective solution is to harness the healing powers of Hematite by wearing a necklace or bracelet, or even a crystal shoulder necklace, close to the area of pain for continuous relief.

This gentle yet powerful approach, especially when used in a crystal shoulder massage during the day, becomes even more powerful when combining with other crystals to amplify its effects.

Pairing it with Amethyst for its pain-relieving properties or Rose Quartz for emotional healing offers an enhanced relief and a holistic approach to pain management.

Also Read: Hematite Bracelets: [Discover] 11 Ways They Can Help You!

Hematite crystal

12. Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz, known as the master healer, is like clear, white starlight for the body, improving energy flow and aligning chakras to ensure pain is drawn away.

It enhances circulation, making it beneficial for those suffering from migraines and chronic ailments.

As a company to its energy amplifier quality, wearing Clear Quartz can strengthen the healing powers of other crystals, offering relief from the debilitating experience of injuries, arthritis, and stress.

Known as the master healer, Clear Quartz excels in amplifying energy and thought, bringing balance across physical, emotional, and spiritual planes for holistic healing.

Its versatility and powerful healing properties make it indispensable for addressing both chronic and acute shoulder pain, significantly impacting quality of life.

With its high vibration, Clear Quartz promotes healing by eliminating negative energy and re-balancing the body’s energy centres, reducing inflammation, and promoting tissue regeneration.

To effectively harness the healing power of Clear Quartz, wearing it as a crystal shoulder necklace places it close to the source of pain, making this stylish yet therapeutic accessory a magic tool for efficiently tapping into its powerful healing properties.

When amplified with other crystals like Amethyst for pain relief, the combination is particularly effective for conditions like osteoarthritis of the shoulder.

13. Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is the ultimate crystal for shoulder pain relief, offering solace for those with excruciating pain triggered by injuries, arthritis, or stress.

Among remedies and healing power of crystals, it stands out for its potent efficacy and is a myriad among healing stones, working wonders as a unique crystal.

Understanding its healing properties, this translucent stone with a smoky hue is renowned for its grounding and balancing energy, doubling as a beautiful accessory and a powerful healing tool for both physical and emotional well-being.

As a chosen crystal for shoulder pain, its grounding properties eliminate negative energies that are causing or exacerbating pain, driving away forces that damage shoulder muscles, making it one of the best crystals for a sore upper back shoulder.

It’s also a heart-centred stone that addresses the emotional aspects of pain, helping to reduce anxiety and stress, common culprits behind muscle tension in the shoulder area, thus acting as a game-changer for those with chronic shoulder pain and seeking emotional balance.

For maximum benefits, wearing Smoky Quartz as a crystal shoulder necklace keeps it close to the affected area, or placing the stone directly on the shoulder while visualizing pain being absorbed by the crystal during meditation sessions can be highly effective.

Combining it with other healing crystals, like Amethyst for additional relief from arthritis and chronic conditions, or Rose Quartz which aids in emotional healing and reduces inflammation, can significantly amplify the healing properties.

14. Citrine

Citrine, known for its role in alleviating shoulder pain that can be debilitating in our daily lives, especially when performing tasks like reaching for a cup or engaging in strenuous activities such as lifting heavy objects.

This natural and radiant crystal, with healing properties that have earned it names like the merchant’s stone and success stone, also known as the stone of abundance, is a powerful healer.

Its warm, sunlit hues not only drive away negative energies but infuse positivity and balance into the body’s energies, addressing chronic imbalances and enhancing energy flow.

Citrine’s sunny, warm energy is particularly effective in promoting balance in the solar plexus chakra, which is associated with personal power and the physical body, aligning this chakra to reduce physical discomfort and aid in emotional healing.

It encourages the manifestation of emotional burdens and stress, resonating with emotional clarity to release pent-up emotions.

Incorporating Citrine into your daily routine, whether as a crystal shoulder necklace or a crystal shoulder strap dress, offers both physical and emotional relief.

Wearing jewelry like a necklace or bracelet ensures close contact with the skin for continuous healing, and placing it on the affected area during meditation can amplify its healing effects.

As a natural solution and holistic approach to balance energies and harness emotional healing properties, Citrine stands out as a go-to choice for pain relief, enveloping the wearer in its sunny, healing embrace.

15. Aquamarine

Aquamarine, with its calming shades of soft and bright blue, has anti-inflammatory properties that offer pain relief and support to the respiratory system, including the throat and lungs.

This blue gem acts as a tonic for the nerves, especially when the nervous system is working overtime, making it essential for those suffering from a cold or chest infection.

It helps calm the body, offering relief and helping you recover quickly.

Regarded as one of the top crystals for pain relief support, Aquamarine is a must-have during winter for its ills and chills relief, particularly benefiting the respiratory system.

Wearing or using it regularly can enhance its benefits.

16. Carnelian

Carnelian‘s high vibrations and bright energy make it an energetic stone for healing various conditions, including skin issues, irritations, and menstrual cramps.

Its meaning resonates with the lower abdomen, making its strong vibrations perfect to shake out pain anywhere in the crystal is applied, especially effective for cramps.

17. Fluorite

Fluorite is known for its ability to flush out toxins and fight viral infections with its clean power.

An effective stone for reducing aches and pains associated with rheumatism and arthritis, its meaning shines when a viral infection is coming on; grabbing a Fluorite stone can help the body flush out the infection before it takes hold.

18. Moonstone

Moonstone helps ease tensions and hormonal, including PMS symptoms, with its feminine, nurturing energy.

It brings stability to both body and mind, balancing fluids and easing digestive upset.

By keeping you calm and centered, especially with digestive issues, this stone works its healing magic when placed on the belly or wearing it on a daily basis for improved physical and spiritual health.

19. Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli, with its strength-enhancing and spirit-uplifting bright blue hues, is ideal for healing aches and pains, including PMS symptoms and vertigo.

It addresses issues with the throat, acting as a lush healer with heavenly high vibrations for both minor ailments and major illnesses like cancer, HIV, bone marrow, and heart disease when worn close to the body.

20. Green Aventurine

The noble green gem, Green Aventurine, serves as a natural pain reliever, with wave-like energy moving through the body, rooting out pain, washing, and detoxing organs.

It’s effective against muscle aches and cramps, simply place it on the body where you feel the clench.

21. Obsidian

Obsidian, a dark gem, is all about encouraging the body to heal from cuts, abrasions, sprains, and bruises, smoothing the path to recovery.

It soothes menstrual cramps and improves circulation, tackling every ache, pain, and cramp. Wearing Obsidian can boost your circulation brightly.

22. Malachite

Malachite, the stone of transformation, is known to draw out impurities from the body, refreshing it like fresh air in stagnant spaces.

It revitalizes life force energy and immune system, readying you for action with its energetic influence in fighting fit, especially during changing situations, stress, or when feeling run down, also supporting spiritual growth and physical healing.

23. Amber

Amber, rich in succinic acid, is a natural anti-inflammatory stone beneficial for ailments such as arthritis, toothache, muscle pain, and back pain.

Beads of Amber are famously used for teething babies, soothing gums.

Wearing Amber close to the body ensures its healing properties are absorbed, providing relief from inflammatory pain.

24. Kyanite

Kyanite, known as the healer’s stone, offers supportive energy to protect the aura from negativity, calms the body, mind, and spirit from the ill effects of outside forces.

It helps to soothe muscles, the throat, adrenal glands, and gives the immune system a boost.

Ideal for meditation and to wear daily, it surrounds you with healing light, ensuring chakras are in alignment.

25. Sugilite

Sugilite excels in removing aches and pains, including headaches, negative environmental toxins, combating poor health, toothache, lethargy, dizziness, and immune disorders.

Placing it on the forehead can alleviate migraine and dull ache, drawing out the pain.

26. Chrysocolla

Chrysocolla enhances oxygen levels in the body, acting as a gemstone that cleanses and calms, reducing pains in muscles and aiding in arthritis for healing relief.

Chrysocolla is key for removing blockages, easing muscle aches, and addressing throat, thyroid issues, and respiratory system problems, enhancing flow and power to ease discomfort.

Amethyst crystal

How To Use Crystals For Shoulder Pain Relief?

Integrating crystals into your routine for pain relief is an approach I’ve refined through my practice and personal experience.

The key is to keep the crystal close to the area of pain or discomfort, whether by wearing it as jewellery, carrying it in a pocket or bra, or using it in meditation.

This method has proven effective for many of my clients. For instance, a client consistently practiced meditating with Amethyst, holding it in their hands or placing it directly on the painful area.

They repeated the affirmation “I am pain-free” several times during each session, finding not just relief but a deeper sense of balance between their body and mind.

Another client found solace in Selenite’s soothing energies, particularly for stress-induced shoulder discomfort.

Regularly lying or sitting in a comfortable position with Selenite on their chest or back for a few minutes, they visualized the pain leaving their body, replaced by a healing light.

This practice needed to be repeated as needed, especially during periods of ongoing pain.

Black Tourmaline emerged as a protector for another, who wore it as a necklace to shield against negativity that worsened their shoulder pain.

The grounding properties of this crystal not only aided in physical healing but also fortified their emotional well-being.

Following these examples, regularly cleansing the crystals to restore their properties and energies is crucial for maintaining their effectiveness in pain relief and emotional support.

Final Thoughts  

In conclusion, crystals to help with shoulder pain serve not only to alleviate pain as a physical symptom but also to address the emotional baggage and loss that can shadow our spiritual self.

Where mainstream medicines may falter, crystal therapy emerges as a complementary tool, casting light into darkened corners and enabling us to stand strong in love and light.

By dealing with pain through these ancient healers, we embrace a holistic approach to healing, finding balance and relief in both body and spirit.

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