[Important] Read: 9 Side Effects Of Moonstone Exposed!

When exploring the side effects of moonstone, it’s essential to understand that while this gem is known for its mild energy and gentle, feminine vibes, not everyone’s experience is the same.

As with many stones and crystals, individuals may encounter negative reactions. These side effects are not typically life-threatening, but they are significant enough to warrant attention.

Some people may find that they can’t comfortably wear moonstone without experiencing certain reactions.

If you’re part of a collection of moonstone enthusiasts or use it for personal reasons, being mindful of how your body responds is key.

In some cases, the moonstone could be responsible for these experiences, reminding us that even the most benign elements can interact with us in unexpected ways.

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Table of Contents

What Is Moonstone?

Moonstone, a type of orthoclase-feldspar, is more than just a gorgeous gemstone; it’s steeped in history and mystical properties.

The ancient Romans associated Moonstones with love and victory, often wearing them as talismans to invoke the protection of the moon goddess, Diana.

Not just a beautiful ornament, Moonstone is also recognized in healing circles for its ability to balance both higher chakras and lower chakras, harmonizing the mind and awakening intuition.

Its diverse color energies make it a versatile tool for those seeking to enhance their decision-making abilities or deepen their spiritual practice.

Is Moonstone Dangerous?

Moonstone, with its undeniable allure, may leave you wondering, “is moonstone dangerous?”

The truth is, Moonstone possesses a strong and imposing energy, but whether it’s dangerous depends on your inner being and how it interacts with this gemstone.

Moonstone’s mystical vibrations can be a source of uncomfortable signals for some individuals.

Its energy levels can vary, and in the world of astrology, it may not align with everyone’s unique constitution.

Understanding how Moonstone affects your body is essential to harness its benefits without experiencing any adverse effects.

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Who Should Not Wear Moonstone?

Moonstone, with its feminine energy, is a gem not suited for everyone, especially those with a dominant Gemini influence in their astrology.

Geminis, and individuals with a more masculine energy, may find the stone’s serene nature to bring negative results rather than the positive.

Women and females with a dynamic, fast-paced lifestyle are often counseled to think carefully before choosing to wear Moonstone.

Its calming effect, while beneficial to some, can drag and slow down thoughts, which isn’t always compatible with those needing to make quick, sharp decisions.

Despite the truckload of benefits it’s said to carry, it’s not universally suited to all, particularly those facing severe challenges or those whose zodiac sign and inherent energies might not align with the stone’s properties.

Considering these exceptions and understanding that certain things, like your personal energy and lifestyle, significantly influence its effectiveness is crucial.

9 Side Effects Of Moonstone You Should Know

Moonstone, a stone with a core of soothing energy, is often sought for its calming vibes.

However, it’s crucial to recognize that it might not always sync perfectly with all bodies and situations.

Sometimes, the signals it sends can be conflicting rather than correcting, leading to various side effects.

For some, the vibrations may not be complementing but rather intensifying inherent issues. Understanding these potential effects is vital.

1. Overly Introverted

While moonstone has its benefits, it can sometimes impose an overly grounded state.

This intense energy might lead to keeping too much to oneself, preferring the company of one’s own mind and spirit over talking with people.

This can create a situation where folks you meet in real-time sense a disconnect, as if you’re not fully there to chat.

The signal this sends can take a toll on social life, and finding the right balance and combining it with inner strength can be a necessary change.

2. Anxiety

For those sensitive or prone to anxiety, Moonstone, despite its calming reputation, can sometimes feel as dangerous as Black Onyx.

Its powerful energy, rather than soothing, might make an already anxious person feel a pounding heart more acutely, especially when in body contact.

This can create an uncomfortable sphere of activity, making even a familiar room feel overwhelming.

3. Irritation

Sometimes, the powerful core of energy in Moonstone can throw up a warning.

Not every individual’s energy is compatible with Moonstone, and it’s essential to learn to recognize the signs of this mismatch, such as sudden feelings of irritation.

4. Drowsiness And Dizziness

In some cases, Moonstone’s calming effect can be so intense it leaves one feeling overly sleepy or weak, struggling to wake up and face the day without objection.

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Who Should Not Wear Moonstone

5. Overly Emotional

Being overly grounded can sometimes lead to extremes in being emotional, where every small incident triggers a deep response.

6. Excessive Mental Activity

Even though Moonstone is supposed to help sync your head with your actions, sometimes the thinking process it encourages can become too intense.

You might find yourself so engrossed in the steps you’ve lived through over the years and planning too far forward to the point where it’s hard to navigate the present, reducing the chances of practical action.

7. Frequent Mood Swings

Among the 9 side effects of moonstone you should know, frequent mood swings are notable.

Some people report an increased frequency of feeling their mood changing, often without a clear track to the result.

While external factors can never be entirely separate from one’s emotional state, some observation has linked this fluctuation to the use of moonstone.

8. Indecisiveness

Another potential side effect, particularly for those whose zodiac sign is Gemini, is indecisiveness.

Despite its feminine energy, moonstone might amplify this sign’s innate tendency towards indecision rather than helping them become more resolute and firm.

9. Tardiness

Lastly, tardiness is a side effect often overlooked. Those who are typically sharp and effective might find themselves becoming slow and somewhat ineffectual.

While many potential causes could be at play, the influence of moonstone should not be ruled out, especially for those sensitive to its energies.

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Moonstone Is Too Strong For Me. What Should I Use?

If you find the strong energies of Moonstone overwhelming, it’s essential to find a stone or crystal more compatible with your body and energy field.

Amethyst is a soothing alternative, known for its calming and protective properties. Hematite grounds and balances, making it ideal for those who feel too scattered by Moonstone.

Rose Quartz brings gentle love and healing, providing a soft, nurturing energy in contrast to Moonstone’s intensity.

Lastly, Carnelian stone can offer a stabilizing boost without overpowering, perfect for those who need a milder energy boost.

Each stone has its unique vibration, so consider your personal needs and sensitivities when choosing your next crystal companion.

I Am Feeling Some Side Effects. Should I Stop Using Moonstone?

If you’re feeling any side effects after using moonstone, it’s crucial to carefully consider your next steps.

While some individuals resonate well with moonstone, others might experience negative effects that can’t be ignored.

It’s not just about the stone; sometimes, an external factor in your life could be amplifying the discomfort.

Before you decide to stop altogether, take a moment to assess your overall well-being and environment. Could something else be contributing to how you’re feeling?

If you’ve isolated the cause to moonstone, it might indeed be time to cancel its use, at least temporarily, to see if your condition improves.

Remember, your health and well-being are paramount, and what works for one might not work for all.

Listen to your body and consult with a healthcare or crystal healing expert if you’re uncertain.

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Can Moonstone Go In Water

Moonstone Metaphysical Properties And Benefits

Moonstone, particularly the Adularia stone variety, is renowned not just for its physical beauty but for its profound emotional and spiritual healing properties.

It resonates with several chakras, including the crown, third eye, heart, and root chakras, each offering unique benefits.

This stone is believed to be blessed by ruling gods and goddesses like the goddess of night, Nyx, and moon deities such as Selene and Diana.

In Celtic traditions, Cerridwen, a goddess of rebirth, is also associated with this mystical stone.

Moonstone is often used in rituals during new moons, full moons, supermoons, and lunar eclipses to harness its maximum potential, especially on moonlit nights.

The healing properties of Moonstone are vast, offering calmness, insight, wisdom, and enhanced self-awareness.

It’s believed to boost confidence, provide protection, and even enhance psychic abilities.

Many look to Moonstone for guidance, particularly during times of change or uncertainty.

As with any metaphysical tool, personal experience and belief play significant roles in how these properties manifest, so it’s essential to approach Moonstone with an open heart and mind.

Moonstone Healing Properties And Benefits

While Moonstone is known for its potential side effects, it’s essential to acknowledge its healing properties and benefits too, providing a comprehensive understanding.

1. Interviews, Tests, And Exams

During interviews, tests, and exams, Moonstone can help you become super-focused and receptive.

It’s known for its calming properties, steadying nerves, enhancing memory, focus, and critical thinking skills.

Wearing White Moonstone in earrings, pendants, rings, or bracelets and charging them with mantras can be particularly beneficial during a test or exam.

2. Self-Love And Forgiveness

Creating a bond with a Moonstone crystal can help foster self-love and forgiveness.

It enhances empathy and a sense of universal connection, gently guiding your emotions towards a healing path.

Green Moonstone especially, when used to chant or hold during recitation of positive affirmations, can help you align with the cosmos.

3. Knowledge And Learning Disorders

For those struggling with learning disorders, hyperactivity, impulsiveness, haste, or anger, setting up a crystal grid with raw Moonstone crystals near your work or study table can be beneficial.

Taking time to meditate with these stones in the morning can set a calm and focused tone for the day.

4. Sleep Health And Calmness

Peach Moonstone, known for its soothing effects on the nerves and reduction of anxiety and mental chatter, is excellent for enhancing sleep health.

Placing it near the heart chakra and occasionally charging it in water (avoid tap water for charging) can improve its effectiveness.

5. Fertility

Black Moonstone, resonating with feminine energies, can be beneficial for the reproductive organs and help balance hormones.

Connecting it with the root chakra and occasionally burying it in soil overnight can amplify its effects on fertility.

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Moonstone Spiritual Properties And Benefits

1. Protection

One of the spiritual properties and benefits of Moonstone is protection. It purifies the aura from psychic harm and shields against ill intentions.

Adularia stone and Blue Moonstone crystals, when placed on the forehead in the morning, can create a protective shield around the individual.

2. Psychic Powers And Intuition

Moonstone is revered for awakening dormant aspects of the mind, body, and spirit, enhancing clairvoyant, intuitive, and empathic abilities.

By meditating with Moonstone at night before bed, one can tap into their psychic powers and deepen their intuition.

3. Reality Shifting

For those interested in reality shifting, Moonstone helps clear mind clutter and fog, focusing the mind on DR (Desired Reality) and overcoming challenges to achieve goals.

Wearing a Moonstone necklace or pendant as jewelry during a full moon enhances the vibrations needed for reality shifting.

4. Success And Luck

Moonstone also guides individuals towards making decisions that bring good fortune.

It’s believed to tap into universal knowledge and wisdom, strengthening your connection to positive energies.

Keeping it in your pocket and occasionally exposing it to sunlight can amplify your aura of fortune.

5. Guidance

Seeking truth and understanding your spiritual destiny is made clearer with Moonstone.

It helps connect with spirit and otherworldly beings, aligning with beneficial energies.

Wearing multi-colored Moonstone bracelets and incorporating singing bowl energy can enhance the stone’s ability to provide spiritual and angelic guidance.

Types of Moonstones

1. White Moonstone

White Moonstone is a common variety, typically opaque with a white color, often used in goal-setting and resetting processes.

2. Blue Moonstone

Blue Moonstone, associated with the third-eye chakra, enhances intuition with its distinctive blue sheen, sometimes referred to as Cat Eye Moonstone.

3. Rainbow Moonstone

Rainbow Moonstone exhibits a milky-white base with flashes of color, similar to white labradorite, representing a spectrum of possibilities.

4. Pink Moonstone

Pink Moonstone, with its baby pink color and occasional red patches, is also known as Pink Flake Feldspar or Red Moonstone, known to heal emotional scars.

5. Peach Moonstone

Peach Moonstone offers calmness and aids in deepening knowledge and intuition, displaying a peach to tanned-brown shade, soothing spiritual and emotional scars.

6. Orange Moonstone

Orange Moonstone is a brighter cousin of Peach Moonstone, with a vibrant orange-colored hue, resonating with the elements of Wind and Water for physical healing.

7. Green Moonstone

Green Moonstone promotes mental clarity, patience, and empathy, especially connected to the heart chakra.

8. Albite Moonstone

Albite Moonstone, a translucent stone, glitters with white reflections, enhancing light and psychic powers.

9. Star Moonstone

Star Moonstone features a unique four-pointed white star against a honey backdrop, offering protection and spiritual guidance.

10. Gray Moonstone

Gray Moonstone, or New Moonstone, is tied to intuition and harnessing one’s inner power.

11. Black Moonstone

Black Moonstone, characterized by white bands on a black background, is often associated with magic, the occult, and spiritual rituals.

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Is Moonstone Dangerous

How To Cleanse Moonstone?

1. Moonlight

Placing your Moonstone crystals outside overnight during a new moon or full moon is an effective way to cleanse the stone. The lunar energy helps rejuvenate its powers.

2. Water

Water, being a ruling element of Moonstone, can be used to cleanse the crystal. However, avoid using tap water; instead, opt for purified or natural sources.

3. Soil

Burying your Moonstone in soil, whether in a garden or a flowerpot, allows it to cleanse and recharge with the healing vibrations of the earth and nearby plants.

FAQs About Side Effects Of Moonstone

1. Can Moonstone Go In Water?

Moonstone crystals are water-safe, meaning they can be exposed to water. However, soaking them is not recommended. Particularly, it’s important to avoid placing Moonstone in salt water.

2. Can Moonstone Go In The Sun?

You can cleanse or charge Moonstone under the sun due to its MOHS hardness score of 6 to 6.5. Yet, it’s advisable to keep it away from direct sunlight or harsh heat for prolonged hours.

3. Why Is My Moonstone Changing Color?

Natural Moonstone crystals exhibit a bluish glow because of adularescence. However, Moonstone can become cloudy from overexposure to heat or sunlight. Its lower MOHS score compared to Quartz in the air means it can fade over time.

4. What’s The Difference Between Fake Moonstones And Real Moonstones?

Artificial or fake Moonstone tends to look blurry, hazy, and cloudy, whereas real Moonstone crystals are opaque, transparent, or translucent. To distinguish between them, touch them or view them from different angles to identify an authentic Moonstone.

5. Who Shouldn’t Wear Moonstones?

Geminis and Virgos should generally avoid Moonstone crystals, unless recommended by an astrologer. For them, Moonstone may cause overexcitement, rudeness, obsession, or anxiety.

6. Where To Keep Moonstone In Your House?

Placing a Moonstone in the western corner of your home attracts success and luck, particularly in academic or professional career pursuits.

7. Which Hand To Wear A Moonstone?

Moonstone jewelry should be worn on the left hand to attract wealth, harmony, and peace.

8. Which Finger To Wear A Moonstone?

Wearing a Moonstone on the ring finger is seen as most beneficial. It’s believed to bring marital bliss, wisdom, love, and peace to the wearer.

9. When To Wear Moonstone?

Moonstone is considered especially phenomenal when worn on Mondays, as this is Moon’s Day. Wearing Moonstone jewelry on this day is said to attract good luck and fortune.

10. Are Moonstones Expensive?

The cost of Moonstone crystals varies based on their characteristics, like adularescence. Typically, Moonstone costs between $5 to $50 per carat.

11. What Does Moonstone Do To Your Body?

Moonstone acts as a fertility aid, impacting the reproductive cycle and easing menstrual tension. It’s linked to the pineal gland and helps balance hormonal systems, aiding in fluid imbalances, biorhythm, and improving conception odds.

12. What Is Moonstone Weakness?

Moonstone’s weakness lies in its low hardness, scoring only a 6 on the Mohs scale. This makes it prone to stress cracking and cleaving. Due to this, care is needed, especially with Moonstone jewelry like rings or bracelets. For durability, brooches and pendants are often preferred.

13. What Is The Moon Stone Used For?

Mystics have long used moonstone for meditation, focusing on its moving inner light. Believed to have a calming influence, it assists in entering a trance.

Final Thoughts

While Moonstone is a powerful and beneficial crystal, its properties can lead to various side effects.

Understanding your energy core and knowing when to limit time with the stone or when to replace it is crucial.

Always listen to your body and respond appropriately to the “side effects of moonstone”.