Gemstone Caution: [Top] 7 Side Effects Of Black Obsidian!

When delving into the mystical world of Black Obsidian, a stone revered for its powerful protective qualities, it’s imperative to address the less discussed aspect: the side effects of black obsidian.

Known as a formidable ally in the realm of spiritual healing and divination, this stone carries a certain intensity that, if not handled correctly, can lead to physical discomfort.

Its energy, while beneficial in grounding and protection, can be particularly overwhelming when in contact with the body inappropriately, posing risks especially to children and animals who are more unprepared for its potent vibrations.

For those using Black Obsidian in practices like holding it in the hand to seek answers to questions, or placing it on an open book or page with writing, it’s important to understand that although it may move or stay still as a form of communication, the consensus is clear: its mishandling could yield consequences.

As we journey through the exploration of this stone, it becomes vital to approach it with respect and caution to harness its benefits while avoiding any adverse effects.

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What Is Black Obsidian?

As someone who has always been fascinated by gemstones, Black Obsidian, or Black Lava Glass as it’s sometimes called, holds a special place in my heart.

This naturally occurring volcanic glass has an intriguing history, often intertwined with ancient cultures.

Composed primarily of silica, it boasts a unique luster that ranges from translucent to opaque.

The primary base color is deep black, but it’s not uncommon to find shades of brown, maroon, red, or even inclusions of white, pink, or peach. This diversity of colors adds to its allure.

When broken, Obsidian’s sharper edges and characteristic conchoidal fracture make it ideal for crafting knives, tools, and weapons.

Historically, the Aztecs utilized it in spiritual rituals to reveal secrets and understand the hidden natures of men. The Romans, on the other hand, valued it as jewelry for good luck.

Meanwhile, the Ancient Greeks associated it with the God Apollo, using it to foretell the future. Obsidian mirrors were even believed to communicate with the dead.

Now, let’s delve into its side effects. While many cherish Black Obsidian for its metaphysical properties, its physical aspects can be equally impactful.

Its sharper edges, when broken, can pose a risk if not handled carefully. This characteristic, while useful in early times for creating weapons and tools, in modern contexts, requires caution.

Moreover, the belief that it can reveal secrets or help in communicating with the dead might lead some to over-rely on its mystical properties, overshadowing practical decisions.

Types Of Obsidian

  • Common Black Obsidian: The most common type, with shades of black, a glassy frothy luster. Known for its grounding, support, and protection properties.
  • Golden Sheen Obsidian: Exhibits a golden sheen over a base color of brown to bronze. Associated with fame, success, and focus.
  • Silver Sheen Obsidian: Features silver iridescence over a gray base. Symbolizes wisdom, growth, and transformation.
  • Mahogany Obsidian: Characterized by Mahogany banding and inclusions of red and brown with Hematite and Iron Oxide. Aids in detox and mental clarity.
  • Snowflake Obsidian: Known for its snowflake patterns on a white and red background. Promotes relaxation, patience, and spirit contact.
  • Spiderweb Obsidian: Unique Spiderweb patterns. Helps with mental clarity and anger management.
  • Green Obsidian: A forest green variety that fosters harmony, prosperity, and psychic visions.
  • Fire Obsidian or Rainbow Obsidian: Shows bands of yellow, purple, red, orange, blue, gray, and white. Connected to chakras, tarot, and Reiki healing.
  • Gray Obsidian: A pale gray form symbolizing balance.
  • Apache Tears: Brownish in color with a distinct texture, it aids in coping with letting go, loss, and grief.
  • Marekanite: An uncommon type with inclusions and an indentation. Provides psychic protection and spiritual guidance.
  • Starry Obsidian: Displays a starry peach pattern reminiscent of a Starry Night. Encourages emotional balance and hope.
  • Midnight Lace Obsidian: Known as Armenian, with tan and beige hues. Offers psychic protection.
  • Stigmite: Identified by its porphyritic texture, associated with higher powers.
  • Peanut Obsidian: A peanut orange variant that enhances health, courage, and creativity.
  • Phantom Obsidian Quartz: A combination of Phantom and Quartz, aiding in spirit contact, psychic powers, and premonition.
  • Black Obsidian with Feldspar and Hyalite: Features Feldspar and Hyalite with colors of white, beige, and tan. Promotes peace and growth.
  • Pink Calcite with Black Obsidian: A rare type igniting the inner fire of power and positivity.

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Is Black Obsidian Dangerous?

Black Obsidian, a natural stone used for centuries in various forms, from jewelry pieces to crystals, does come with its own set of risks.

While it’s generally safe, there are certain precautions to keep in mind, especially during handling.

The sharp edges of obsidian can easily cause cuts and wounds on hands and fingers.

To avoid such injuries, it’s advisable to use gloves, especially when working with raw obsidian.

However, be aware that tight gloves might restrict blood flow to the skin, potentially causing discomfort or even an allergic reaction, particularly with leather gloves.

Another aspect to consider is the energy absorption property of obsidian. This stone is known to absorb energy from its surroundings and other materials it comes in contact with.

This can cause an unintended reaction, especially when used in conjunction with other items.

If you’re placing obsidian in a space for its properties, make sure it’s far enough from touch during any work session with other crystals.

It’s crucial to understand how different crystals might react when combined.

Is Black Obsidian Toxic?

In addressing the concern of whether Black Obsidian is toxic, it’s vital to understand its composition and effects.

As a form of volcanic glass formed when lava cools rapidly, Obsidian is not inherently toxic.

However, its colors and patterns, predominantly black, can vary, influencing its use in various sizes and forms.

For those with sensitive skin, handling Obsidian, especially in raw form, might lead to skin irritation or allergic reactions.

It’s important for users to be aware of their skin’s sensitivity and handle Obsidian with care, whether as jewelry or in other common applications.

Can Black Obsidian Protect You

Is Black Obsidian Suitable For Everyone?

Black Obsidian, though revered for its grounding properties, may not be suitable for all, particularly those with specific health concerns.

Individuals with a history of seizures, epilepsy, or severe heart problems should be cautious, as the intense energy of the stone could potentially trigger adverse reactions.

Similarly, those suffering from anxiety disorders, insomnia, or prone to vivid dreams and nightmares might find that Black Obsidian exacerbates these issues.

For children, its powerful vibration can be overwhelming, necessitating a gentler alternative.

Moreover, the stone is considered hazardous for pregnant and breastfeeding women due to concerns about its effects on fetuses and the potential risk of miscarriage.

In such cases, safer options like rose quartz or amethyst are often recommended, as these crystals are known to be more safe and soothing.

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7 Side Effects Of Black Obsidian

Obsidian, with its origins in Mexico, is more than an interesting crystal; it’s a stone with notable side effects and dangers. Despite its intriguing physical properties, caution is advised in its use.

1. Physical Discomfort

When Black Obsidian is used incorrectly, it can lead to physical discomfort.

This powerful crystal is renowned for healing and protection work, yet its intense energy can be overwhelming.

In my practice, I’ve observed that direct contact with the body, especially if the crystal is broken into, can absorb and amplify negative energies from both people and the home environment.

This absorption may cause unwanted feelings of discomfort, contradicting its intended use for clearing negative energy.

2. Not Suitable For Children And Animals

Black Obsidian is a hard and strong stone, not ideal for children or animals.

Despite being a powerful tool for adults, it requires time and patience to be handled correctly, making softer materials more recommended for those under 12 years old.

Its sharp edges pose a physical risk, and the high toxicity level due to arsenic content makes it unsuitable for inclusion in a jewelry collection accessible to young hands.

3. Bring Up Strong Emotions

Handling Black Obsidian can bring up negative emotions, challenging individuals to see more clearly and move forward with courage and strength.

This effect on emotions is part of its healing process for both mental and physical wounds.

However, for those already feeling stressed or tired, the emotional impact can be overwhelming, instead of balancing their energy levels.

It’s a challenge that requires awareness and readiness to confront deep-seated feelings.

4. It May Cause Anxiety

Using Black Obsidian for spiritual cleansing, rituals, or meditation sessions over a long time may lead to anxiety, fear, depression, anger, and even panic attacks.

As someone who has observed its effects, I’ve seen anxiety symptoms disappear after a week or two when users charge and cleanse the stone regularly.

However, failure to manage this powerful stone can lead to negative consequences for both mind and body.

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5. Sleep-Related Problems

Black Obsidian, containing high levels of iron and aluminum metals, can induce sleep-related problems like nightmares, insomnia, and even migraines, exacerbating depression and other mental health issues.

This stone, though known for its protection and grounding capabilities, can reinforce negative patterns in life if not handled with the right intent and understanding of its crystal power to bring about positive change.

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Black Obsidian

6. Depression Or Anxiety

This strong stone can be difficult to work with and toxic for both humans and animals.

Prolonged exposure to its energy has been reported to cause serious side effects, including depression or anxiety, especially when used for long periods.

The stone tends to amplify negative emotions like anger and sadness, making it imperative to use it in short periods and preferably under the guidance of experienced healers in the realm of crystal healing.

7. Feel Uneasy Around It

Many practitioners and buyers feel uneasy around Black Obsidian, whether used in jewelry, personal items, or placed in homes.

Its heavy vibration often leaves people feeling uncomfortable, especially when there’s a lack of connection with the stone.

While it is known to draw negative energy, not everyone can incorporate it effectively in their lives, be it in a bracelet or as a rock for benefits in the home or office. In such cases, it’s best to avoid using Black Obsidian.

Should I Wear Black Obsidian?

Black Obsidian is a powerful stone renowned for protection and grounding properties.

It’s effective in helping to release negative energy and heal past trauma. Despite these benefits, its poisonous qualities necessitate caution.

Those considering wearing Black Obsidian or placing it in their home should be aware of potential side effects like skin irritation, rash, profuse sweating, nausea, and vomiting.

If these symptoms persist, it’s crucial to stop usage and seek medical help promptly, usually within a few hours.

How Is Black Obsidian The Right Stone For Me?

Black Obsidian may be a good choice for individuals grappling with negative emotions, thoughts, stress, anxiety, or depression.

As an energy mineral, it fosters energetic and mental connections, helping to dissolve fear and worry on a personal level.

It’s beneficial for support groups, aiding in healing and is accessible for beginners in crystal healing or magic.

Its unusual looks make it a cutting-edge choice in jewelry, potentially impressing friends.

However, if you experience any discomfort or symptoms, it’s advisable for these to subside before you continue its use.

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Who Should Not Wear Black Obsidian Stone

FAQs About Side Effects Of Black Obsidian

1. Who Should Not Wear Black Obsidian Stone?

Wearing Black Obsidian as jewelry is not recommended for individuals under the age of 16 and over 70, especially those with high blood pressure or anxiety, as it can intensify these conditions. Additionally, Feng Shui practitioners often advise against its use for pregnant women, even in forms like a bracelet.

2. Can You Keep Black Obsidian In Your Bedroom?

Placing Black Obsidian in your bedroom, especially in a specific spot for personal protection, can be beneficial. It’s often used in the corners of a room to create a protective grid.

3. What Is The Effect Of Black Obsidian?

Black Obsidian is a glorious stone known for its power of protection and grounding. It connects strongly with the root chakra, tethering you here and now, providing a sense of strength and inner confidence. It keeps negative energies at bay and encourages courage to face inner truths.

4. Can You Shower With Black Obsidian?

Black Obsidian should not go in water due to its Mohs hardness rating of only 5. Being a volcanic glass, it can become brittle and deteriorate when wet.

5. Where Do You Put Black Obsidian On Your Body?

It’s best to wear a Black Obsidian bracelet on the left hand, as the crystals’ powers are believed to protect and cleanse your energetic space, while also attracting luck and good wealth.

6. Does Obsidian Absorb Energy?

Black Obsidian has a powerful vibration for protection and metamorphosis, offering clarity. It can absorb negative energy from a space, stimulating growth at various levels and exerting a sort of gravitational pull to draw out the deepest wounds and traumas.

7. Is Black Obsidian Negative?

Black Obsidian is not negative in itself; instead, it specializes in absorbing negative energies, much like Black Tourmaline and Jet, other black stones known for similar properties.

8. What Zodiac Should Wear Black Obsidian?

Due to its protective powers, Black Obsidian is popular in jewelry, charms, and talismans, especially as a zodiac stone. It has a special connection with the Scorpio sign, serving as a secondary birthstone for them.

My sister, a Scorpio, started using a Black Obsidian talisman and found it incredibly effective for protection and emotional clarity. She felt more grounded and less affected by negativity, so I highly recommend it for other Scorpios looking for similar benefits.

9. Can Black Obsidian Protect You?

Black Obsidian aids in grounding and helps you connect with the earth, providing stability and strength. It wards off negativity, psychic attacks, and harmful vibrations, acting as a shield that blocks negativity while fostering positive energy.

10. Why You Should Wear Black Obsidian?

You should wear Black Obsidian for its protection. As a powerful, protective stone, it can absorb and transmute negative energies. It acts as a shield against psychic attacks, harmful thoughts, and influences, maintaining your energy field’s purity and balance.

11. Where To Place Black Obsidian In Bedroom?

Place Black Obsidian in the center of your room to promote stability and security. Positioning it in the corners can help absorb negative energy. This stone harmonizes with other stones and crystals to enhance specific effects in your bedroom environment.

12. What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Black Obsidian?

Black Obsidian is among the dark stones known for protection and shielding from negativity. It cleanses the energy field, bringing awareness to darker energies you’re holding onto. This crystal prompts you to confront and release unwanted energy.

13. Is Black Obsidian Good For Wealth?

Black Obsidian, especially in forms like the Tianbi Wealth Bracelet, is considered beneficial in Feng Shui. It’s believed to shield from negativity and psychic attack, while absorbing discordant energies from the environment. This reduces mental stress and tension, making way for positive energies that attract wealth, success, health, and good luck in life.

Can You Shower With Black Obsidian

Final Thoughts

The “side effects of black obsidian” are varied and significant. While Black Obsidian is a powerful stone acclaimed for its ability to release negative emotions, beliefs, and feelings that have been holding one back for a long time, it can also be dangerous.

The short answer to its safety revolves around its health and environmental side effects.

Physical discomfort can arise from contact with our bodies, and the unknown aspects of its influence demand caution.

In essence, while Obsidian offers profound benefits, understanding and respecting its potent energies is crucial to avoid adverse effects and harness its full potential.