26 [Healing Crystals] For Coping With Parental Loss

Losing a parent is one of the most profound forms of grief one can experience. It’s a time filled with mourning, bereavement, and the loss of a loved one that seems almost insurmountable.

During such a difficult period, the support of friends, family, and even gemstones can provide the strength needed to process these feelings and eventually move on.

From my years of experience as a crystal expert, I’ve seen firsthand how crystals for grief of a parent can offer a semblance of comfort.

In the aftermath of such a death, where every day feels like saying goodbye over and over to someone so dear, many find solace in the gentle energy of selected crystals.

These natural allies become beacons of love and support, aiding in the healing of the heart from loss as profound as that of a child, or navigating the aftermath of a miscarriage.

They don’t erase the pain but provide a tangible focus for one’s healing process, a touchstone during times when life seems most fragile.

Through my personal experience and witnessing the journeys of those I’ve supported, crystals have shown themselves to be invaluable companions through grief.

Each gemstone carries its unique vibration, offering the bearer a piece of strength to hold onto, a reminder that moving through grief is a process – one step at a time.

Also Read: 17 Healing Crystals For Good Health And Luck

Table of Contents

Understanding The Impact Of Losing A Parent

When we lose someone very close, like a parent, grief hits us hard. It shakes our core and affects us physically, emotionally, and even spiritually.

This experience can leave us feeling lost, as if we’re untethered, looking for something solid to ground us as we move through our days.

There’s no set timeline or right way to go through this. Everyone’s path through grief is unique, tied deeply to the memories and connections we hold dear.

How Crystals For Grief And Loss Can Help During Tough Times?

Turning to crystals for healing is an ancient practice. These natural gemstones have been used to heal the body, stimulate the mind, and activate the soul for centuries.

Many cultures and civilizations, like the Egyptians, Mayans, Sumerians, and Indians, adorned themselves with crystals to ward off evil and protect against dark forces.

Crystals, formed under the Earth through thousands of years of crystallization in various environmental conditions, are deeply connected to nature.

They have a unique ability to sense pain and unease in our bodies and offer comfort and healing.

Also Read: 19 Crystals For Back Pain

What Are The Stages Of Grief?

Losing someone special, like a parent, throws us into the deep end of grief.

It’s not just about feeling sad; it’s a whole process that messes with everything – our heads, our hearts, our daily lives.

And it doesn’t wrap up in neat packages. Nope, it’s more like a rollercoaster with tangled emotions.

But remember, time is a healer, and moving through these stages needs patience with oneself. So, let’s take a deep breath and walk through these steps together.

1. The First Step: Denial

Denial is that initial stage where you might feel numb. It’s nature’s way of saying, “Let’s take this loss at our own pace.”

It’s a defense mechanism that helps keep the overwhelming wave of emotions at bay.

2. Then Comes Anger

After denial, anger makes an entrance. It’s a wild emotion, a masking process for those painful, overwhelming feelings. It might not be pretty, but it’s a part of the healing path.

3. Bargaining: The What-If Stage

Bargaining is when you find yourself stuck on ‘what if’ statements, imagining how things could’ve been different.

It’s marked by delicacy and helplessness, trying to force a different outcome by focusing on the past.

4. Depression: The Heavy Load

Depression sinks in when the reality of loss settles. You might feel drained, empty, even a bit lost.

It’s like standing in a present space filled with floods of feeling, trying to figure out what life will look like now.

5. Acceptance: Finding Light

Acceptance doesn’t mean you’re okay with the loss. It means you’ve started to accept its impact on your life.

It’s not a happy ending, but rather a light at the end of a dark tunnel, a sign that you’re processing and finding a path forward.

Through all these stages, it’s important to give yourself courage and space to heal. Remember, you’re not alone.

Also Read: 17 Best Crystals For Anxiety And Depression

The Best Healing Crystals For Grief And Depression

When you’re engulfed in the grief of losing a parent, some gemstones can act as a ray of light.

Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Amazonite aren’t just stones; they are companions in your mourning, offering the support you’re yearning for.

Each gemstone is selected for its unique ability to provide protection, spiritual properties, and strength during your grieving process, especially when you’re struggling to find your way back to peace.

crystals for grief

1. Amethyst: A Soothing Presence

Amethyst stands out as a spiritual stone, often referred to as the stone of the soul.

Its healing properties bring consolation in times of mourning and grief, acting as a beacon of calm and serenity.

This purple gemstone resonates with the crown chakra, fostering enlightenment and spiritual connection.

It helps to release fears and worries, protects against nightmares, and encourages good night’s sleep.

Beyond its beauty, Amethyst is a symbolic, comforting companion that provides solace in difficult times, aiding in emotional stability and offering a deeper understanding of the life’s grieving processes.

2. Rose Quartz: The Heart’s Healer

Rose quartz is like a hug in the form of a pink quartz stone, famously known as the stone of love.

It radiates a gentle energy, directly touching the heart chakra to make you more receptive to love, foster inner peace, and create harmony.

It’s about letting yourself unwind and free from worries, encouraging self-acceptance and the forgiveness to release painful emotions.

This delicate pink gemstone symbolizes compassion and emotional healing during periods of grief, helping to embrace and heal broken hearts.

It supports cherishing loving memories and finding comfort in the warmth of loving relationships, making it a powerful stone for those grieving, seeking emotional healing, and inner peace after a loss.

Also Read: 25 Best Crystals For Manifesting Love

3. Amazonite: The Hope Stone

Amazonite, known as the stone of hope, is all about improving communication with others and getting rid of feelings of anger and negative thoughts.

It transforms grief into loving energy, calms nerves, and helps you see the bigger picture to put behind and move on.

This light green gemstone is connected to both the heart chakra and the throat chakra, enabling you to express and understand emotions with more openness and honest communication.

It helps to reduce emotional charge, restore inner peace, and bring calmness in dealing with loss.

Amazonite also filters and transforms negative energies, offering comfort, protection, and purification, making it a supportive companion in times of grief, helping you find emotional balance and healing.

4. Lapis Lazuli: A Connection To The Spiritual

Lapis Lazuli is more than just a crystal with a rich, celestial blue hue; it’s a bridge to the spiritual realm.

It brings comfort as a reminder that our loved ones are at peace, beyond the physical confines of this world.

This gem promotes self-awareness, encourages the expression of true feelings, and aids in the healing journey.

It’s the energy that encourages honesty, dignity, and a deep spiritual connection with the universe, helping those grieving to find solace and understanding in the continuity of the soul.

Also Read: Side Effects Of Lapis Lazuli 

5. Black Tourmaline: Guarding Your Peace

Black Tourmaline stands as a guardian in times of grief, its protective qualities invaluable.

It acts as a grounding influence, anchoring you to the present moment and fostering a safe space to explore and process feelings of loss.

This stone promotes stability and security, offering protection and creating a protective shield around your aura.

It’s a grounded form of self-care that helps maintain your emotional and energetic boundaries when they’re most vulnerable.

6. Moonstone: Renewal And Hope In Grieving

Moonstone, with its ethereal glow, is deeply connected to the cycles of the moon, symbolizing renewal and rebirth.

It reassures those grieving the loss of a parent or loved one that life is always changing and renewing.

This gem nurtures the heart and soul, offering hope amid sorrow and the promise that new beginnings are always possible, even in the wake of loss.

Its energy supports emotional balance and healing, guiding the way forward.

Also Read: Moonstone Side Effects

7. Green Aventurine: The Bearer Of New Beginnings

Green Aventurine, with its soothing shades of green, symbolizes verdant growth and renewal after experiencing a period of loss.

It’s known for its ability to comfort the heart and bring emotional calm, offering a beacon of hope during heartache.

This gentle energy stone directly nurtures the heart chakra, the very centre of your emotional self, thereby promoting well-being and encouraging resilience.

It helps you to move forward confidently, embrace life’s changes with grace and optimism.

crystals for grief and depression

8. Sodalite: The Stone Of Peaceful Clarity

Sodalite, with its calming blue hues, is a gemstone that brings emotional balance and peace, especially useful to reduce panic and anxiety that accompanies profound loss.

It fosters logical thinking and rationality, helping to clear the fog of confusion and emotional turmoil.

Think of Sodalite as a lighthouse, guiding you back to a place of mental clarity and calm where healing can truly begin.

It offers a balanced perspective, enabling you to process your emotions with stability and peace.

Also Read: How To Cleanse Sodalite

9. Carnelian: The Spark Of Life

Carnelian feels like a burst of sunlight in the crystal world, bringing warmth, vitality, and motivation right when you need it the most.

Its rich, warm hues and energising properties are perfect for those stages of grief where finding the strength to move forward seems impossible.

This beautiful stone stimulates the sacral chakra, the very centre of passion, creativity, and life force energy.

Carnelian reignites a passion for life, encouraging you to make positive choices.

It supports your healing journey, embraces the vibrancy of life, and helps you to rediscover the beauty in living.

10. Jasper: The Grounding Force

Jasper is known for its earthy tones and grounding energy, rightfully earning its title as the supreme nurturer.

In the aftermath of loss, when everything feels uncertain and fragile, Jasper provides a solid foundation of comfort and security.

It stabilises emotions and promotes endurance and strength through stress and confusion.

You’re never alone with Jasper by your side; its nurturing energy offers solace and support as you navigate through your grief.

It reminds us of the deep connection to the Earth and the cyclical nature of life, providing an enduring strength in our most vulnerable moments and a gentle return to equilibrium.

11. Clear Quartz: Light In Darkness

Clear Quartz, the master healer, stands as a beacon during the grieving process, especially when coping with the grief of losing a parent.

This beautiful stone uplifts the lower vibes of pain and suffering, transmuting them into higher healing vibes.

When you feel vulnerable to outside malevolent energies, Clear Quartz acts as a protector, reinforcing your spiritual defenses.

Through its healing power of light and high vibrations, it supports you in making your way through the five stages of grief, ensuring you process the loss and integrate the lessons and new wisdom gained, fostering a positive outlook on life.

12. Pink Opal: Comfort In Softness

Pink Opal, a positive comfort crystal for difficult times, encourages compassion towards yourself and others.

It’s a nurturing stone that enables you to be your authentic self, facilitating self-expression and the healing of wounds without being burdened by what others think.

This stone aids in overcoming anxiety, restores balance, and helps you recenter amidst the healing high vibes of peace and tranquility, becoming an essential ally as you process your loss.

13. Black Onyx: The Protector

Black Onyx, valued in mourning jewelry since Victorian times for its balancing and cleansing powers, offers powerful spiritual protection.

Connecting with the root chakra, it grounds your energy in Mother Gaia’s healing power, providing soothing and comforting support.

It helps you overcome feelings of helplessness and frustration, making it a supportive grief stone for every step of the healing process.

Also Read: 12 Side Effects Of Black Onyx

14. Malachite: Gentle Energy For Heart Healing

Malachite is not just a powerful nurturing stone; it’s a beacon for those dealing with heartache.

It works directly with the heart chakra, providing a gentle cleansing energy to unblock your heart’s energy center and promote healing.

The Malachite heart-healing ring is something I’ve seen bring balance during big energy shifts, especially after the pain of loss.

It supports you in becoming a transformed version of yourself, embracing transformation and healing with open arms.

15. Citrine: Growth And Renewal After Loss

Citrine shines bright as a stone of healing, especially aligned with the solar plexus. It supports inner strength and helps to ease feelings of distress and helplessness.

Wearing pieces of Citrine can change the frame of mind towards a more positive one, crucial for stepping back into an active life after a loss.

It’s about building new positive habits and turning a new page in life, something I’ve witnessed firsthand.

Citrine’s vitality and stamina boosting properties are essential for emotional recovery, guiding you gently on your path to healing.

16. Smoky Quartz: The Calm In The Storm

Smoky Quartz is your go-to for achieving calm energy during tough times.

Unlike the solid color of most crystals, its visible inclusions make it a uniquely powerful healing crystal for difficult times.

The Clear Quartz sections within transmute low vibes into higher ones, while the darker Quartz sections help ground your energy.

It’s perfect for healing and overcoming adversity, providing stability in your life.

I recommend wearing the Smoky Quartz Grounding Talisman to anyone grieving, as it’s a supportive gemstone that both guides and protects.

17. Apache Tears: A Gentle Companion Through Grief

Apache Tears, small round pebbles of Obsidian, carry a powerful promise of healing.

These black or dark-colored volcanic glass stones restore trust in the grander scheme and support you as you heal emotional wounds.

Known for their ability to ground energy and act as protection stones during grief, they wrap you in loving energy from Mother Gaia.

They’re essential for anyone looking to maintain a positive outlook on life after loss and are especially effective in overcoming negative emotions.

crystals for grief of a child

18. Aquamarine: Soothing Waves Of Healing

Aquamarine is a powerful emotional healing stone that encourages positive energy and restores balance to your chakras.

In times of dealing with pain and loss, its energy can feel especially vulnerable to negativity and low vibes.

Wearing Aquamarine bracelets can shield you, offering a safe haven from negative energy and providing a true peace and quiet that’s so needed.

Its gentle, soothing essence helps transform your perception of the world around you, moving it away from being colored by negativity.

19. Opal: The Light Of Hope

Opal, including Pink Opal, stands out among crystals for its support during grief.

While regular Opal acts as a support stone, Pink Opal has a specific calming influence on the throat chakra, enhancing the healing properties needed for voicing true concerns and fears.

These stones attract high vibes to your solar plexus and sacral chakra, guiding you towards spiritual support in times of loss.

If you’re lost or confused, Opal can help you receive guidance from your spiritual team, ensuring a strong line of communication with higher dimensions.

It promises that, after the darkest hours, a bright new morning will always follow.

20. Apatite: Your Cheerleader In Tough Times

When the going gets tough, Apatite jumps in like a cheerleader with a megaphone, rooting for you to get back up.

It’s got this powerful knack for keeping your spirits high, even when you’re knee-deep in grief.

Think of it as your personal energy shield, repelling negative energy and infusing your day with optimism, especially when loss and melancholy try to weigh you down.

I’ve walked this path alongside many who felt swamped by emotional despondence.

With Apatite by their side, they found the strength to push through the difficult times, turning their struggles into stepping stones.

This stone doesn’t just help you overcome negative feelings; it sparks positive changes, guiding you from being sad and morose to becoming more upbeat and positive.

It’s about empowering you to remain positive and embrace change, no matter how hard the wind blows.

21. Selenite: The Beacon In Your Darkest Nights

Selenite is like the beacon in the night, guiding ships to safe harbors. In the depths of grief and loss, it shines brightly, offering warmth and gentle support.

It’s akin to feeling the Sun’s light softly caressing your face, reminding you that there’s still beauty and warmth in the world, even when everything seems bleak.

This crystal acts as a natural cleanser, sweeping away the sorrow and despair that cloud your heart and mind.

By absorbing and repelling negative energy, it sets a protective circle around you, ensuring that low vibes and hopelessness can’t breach your inner sanctum.

Through the healing journey, Selenite helps you smoothly release the chains of loss, giving you the courage to move forward with a renewed sense of hope and optimism.

Also Read: [Beginner’s Guide]: How To Cleanse Selenite [Easily]

22. Garnet: A Steady Hand In Turbulent Times

Garnet is more than just a pretty stone; it’s a healing crystal that deeply connects with your root chakra to extract negative energy from your aura and guide your steps toward a more steady and grounded feeling.

It’s like having a friend who’s always there to remind you to keep your feet firmly on the ground, even when your world feels like it’s spinning.

This powerful healing stone is all about bringing in positive energy to regenerate your spirit.

It’s a delicate process, but Garnet helps build a steady balance between positive energies and negative ones, and it attracts things like unconditional love, success, and good luck.

Think of it as a powerful manifestation stone that helps you fulfill your goals, especially when you’re working on overcoming the loss of a loved one.

The natural garnet healing bracelet isn’t just a piece of jewelry. It’s a companion that encourages vitality, stamina, and the strength to face challenges head-on, transforming you into the victor of your situation.

It’s about encouraging devotion, trust, and sincerity in the people around you, helping your soul heal and guiding you toward becoming a wiser, stronger version of yourself.

Also Read: Benefits Of Garnet Crystal Explained

23. Rhodonite: Healing The Heart With Gentle Grace

Rhodonite, with its rose and soft pink hues, is the heart stone that everyone grieving should know about.

It’s your gentle companion, ready to help you digest the shock and panic that comes with loss, preventing you from flailing blindly in your sorrow.

This stone is a powerhouse of self-love, essential for healing old wounds and patching up the pain.

It takes you by the hand and guides you on a journey of clearing your heart, activating an openness to love once more.

Rhodonite teaches you to let go of those emotions that no longer serve you, embracing gentle acceptance.

It’s like a soft whisper in your ear, reminding you that it’s okay to heal, to love, and to open your heart again, even when part of it feels lost forever.

24. Pyrite: Your Shield Through Grief

Pyrite is like a shield, keeping adrenal exhaustion at bay during the grief process. It’s a champ at handling those heavy emotions that get stirred up and threaten to overwhelm.

With its fiery energy, it stays close by to absorb the excess energy and connect with your solar plexus, helping to bring balance and offer a respite during your emotional healing.

Also Read: Tips On Pyrite Cleansing & Charging!

25. Lepidolite: The Gentle Companion

Lepidolite, with its gentle, purple and pink hues, feels like a lullaby for the soul.

It’s a stone of transition, rich in lithium, which makes its energy perfect for those moments when you’re feeling like you’re kicking underwater.

It grants respite, acting as a calming influence to temper the senses and invites you to work on moving through grief, releasing trauma and suffering for deeper healing.

crystal for loss of mother

26. Blue Goldstone: A Spark In The Dark

Blue goldstone offers deep comfort when grief tries to take over.

It’s like being in a comfortable place, cuddled up as a child, working directly with your heart and spirit to give that gentle feeling of being held in a safe place.

It encourages and coaxes you out of the darkness and into the light, reminding you it’s worth hanging on.

How To Use Crystals For Grief Of A Parent?

1. Carry Them With You

Carry a small stone in your pocket or purse. When unexpected moments of sadness or remembrance hit, the tactile act of holding the stone becomes a grounding technique.

It helps centre your emotions, providing strength and resilience.

2. Wear As Jewelry

Wearing your grief-healing crystal as jewelry, like a bracelet or necklace, places these comforting stones close to your heart all day.

It acts as a constant reminder of your loved one’s presence and support.

Rose quartz wraps you in love, amethyst brings tranquillity, and moonstone signals new beginnings amidst emotional turmoil. It’s like having an anchor when the seas get rough.

3. Create A Sacred Space

Creating a Sacred Space in your home offers a reflection and meditation sanctuary during the grieving process.

Arrange your crystals that symbolize loss in a serene atmosphere that’s conducive to healing and contemplation.

Set up a quiet corner with a comfortable seat, cherished photos, and your selected crystals on a shelf or table.

Add candles, soft, soothing music for peacefulness. This retreat is your go-to for moments to connect with your feelings and find inner peace.

4. Honouring Your Journey

Honouring your journey through grief is not a linear path. Healing takes time. Crystals serve as gentle companions, offering unique energies for comfort.

Give yourself space and grace to explore their healing properties and how they resonate with you.

They incorporate into your life as tools that encourage healing in conjunction with other support forms like counselling, support groups, and the loving care of friends and family.

crystals for grief and loss

FAQs About Crystal For Loss Of Mother

1. Which Chakra Helps With Grief?

Grief is closely associated with the heart chakra, the centre of love, compassion, and emotional balance. Crystals that resonate with this chakra, like Rose Quartz and Green Aventurine, are helpful in navigating the emotional landscape of loss.

2. How Do I Choose The Right Crystal For My Grief?

Choosing the right crystal for your grief is a deeply personal process. It’s crucial to listen to your intuition and select a crystal you’re naturally drawn to, also consider the specific properties of the crystal that align with your emotional needs.

3. Can Crystals Help With The Grief Of Losing A Pet?

The loss of a pet can feel as devastating as losing a human loved one. Crystals like Rainbow Obsidian can absorb grief, while Rose Quartz can fill the void with unconditional love, offering unique energy, comfort, and support to navigate this type of loss.

4. How Long Should I Use Crystals For Grief Of A Child?

There’s no set time frame for using crystals in the healing process. Grief is complex and individual. Your healing journey may find comfort and support in crystals as your needs change, being drawn to different crystals at various stages of grief.

5. Can Crystals Be Used Alongside Other Forms Of Grief Support?

Crystals can be a complementary tool to other forms of support like therapy, support groups, and spiritual practices. They don’t replace professional help but can enhance your healing journey, integrating well into your self-care routine for added comfort and healing.

6. Is It Possible to Gift Crystals for Grief to Someone Else?

Gifting a crystal for grief is a thoughtful way to offer support to someone mourning. When selecting such a gift, consider the recipient’s current situation and how the crystal can help. Including a note explaining the crystal’s intended purpose makes it even more meaningful.

7. What Gemstone Is Good For Remembrance Of Loved Ones?

Lapis Lazuli, lepidolite, aura quartz, selenite, and moldavite are stones that aid in the process of grief and remembrance of loved ones, each offering unique energies to support healing and memory.

8. What Jewelry Symbolizes Grief?

Mourning jewelry, often crafted from black materials such as jet, onyx, and black enamel, serves to symbolize grief. These pieces may feature symbols of death, including skulls, coffins, and willow trees. Lockets that incorporate hair of the deceased are poignant pieces, connecting wearers with their memories and love.

9. How Do You Use Crystals?

Using gems for grief and mourning involves seeing them as a talisman or amulet for meditation, carrying them in a pocket, or wearing them as jewelry on your neck or wrist. Positioning these stones in a special place in your home, like on a nightstand, allows their healing properties to support the wearer, providing strength and protection against negative external influences. They offer extra support through mindfulness and meditation, creating a permanent place of warmth and love, and acting as a shield for you and your housemates from negative influences.

10. How Do You Cleanse And Purify Gemstones?

To cleanse and purify gemstones and crystals from outside energy, utilize cold running water for those not sensitive to water, or let them soak under the full moon’s light at night. Be cautious of weather influences like the sun, rain, or temperature changes that might change their color. These techniques for cleaning are simple yet effective in re-harnessing their energy for healing.

Final Thoughts

In difficult times, taking control of your grieving process can help mend a broken heart.

Crystals for grief of a parent represent a decisive step in the healing process, offering emotional healing on the journey to recovery.

They can help you overcome dark and painful times, bringing light, support, and boosting the healing power.

Grief crystals and cleansing stones amplify emotional comfort, aiding your transformation into a stronger, healthier, and wiser version of yourself.

Embrace this opportunity to grow, allowing these crystals to guide you back to a place of emotional and spiritual comfort.

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