crossorigin="anonymous"> 17 Best Crystals For Vagus Nerve

17 Best Crystals For Vagus Nerve

Have you ever wondered why some days you feel calm and balanced, while others leave you feeling overwhelmed?

Managing our nervous system, particularly the vagus nerve, is crucial for maintaining emotional and physical health.

I’ve personally found that using crystals for vagus nerve can be a surprisingly effective approach.

From personal experience, incorporating crystals like rose quartz and citrine into my daily routine has helped soothe my nerves and enhance my wellbeing.

These gems are not just beautiful to look at; they carry vibrations that may help stimulate the vagus nerve, which plays a key role in regulating our body’s relaxation response.

I remember the first time I used a rose quartz pendant; it was during a particularly stressful period, and I noticed a gentle yet noticeable shift towards calmness after a few days.

It’s fascinating how these natural elements can influence our body’s intricate systems.

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What Is The Vagus Nerve?

The vagus nerve is one of the 12 cranial nerves, also called cranial nerve X, or the 10th cranial nerve.

This nerve is crucial for the parasympathetic nervous system and has two branches, left and right vagal nerves, which form a system that controls involuntary functions like heart rate, digestion, and the immune system.

Representing 75% of the parasympathetic nervous system’s nerve fibers, these vagus nerves transmit information between the brain, heart, and digestive system.

Its importance in the body’s function is unmatched due to its role in regulating vital functions.

What Is The Function Of The Vagus Nerve?

The vagal nerves serve both sensory and motor roles within the nervous system.

They control involuntary movement and other functions like digestion, heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration (breathing).

These nerves also affect the immune system responses, mood, mucus and saliva production, skin sensations, muscle sensations, speech, taste, and urine output.

The vagus nerve is indispensable for maintaining balance and harmony within the body.

What Is The Role Of The Parasympathetic Nervous System?

The parasympathetic nervous system is part of the autonomic nervous system and controls the rest and digest functions of the body.

It acts as the opposite of the sympathetic nervous system, which triggers the fight or flight response.

These two nervous systems work together to manage involuntary body activities, helping to maintain balance.

The parasympathetic nervous system focuses on calming the body and promoting activities that restore and conserve energy.

Where Is The Vagus Nerve?

The vagus nerves are the longest of the cranial nerves, extending from the brain to the large intestine.

The left vagus nerve travels along the left side of the body, while the right vagus nerve runs along the right side.

The name vagus comes from the Latin word for wandering, reflecting its long, winding course through the body.

The vagal nerves exit the medulla oblongata in the lower brainstem, pass through the neck near the carotid artery and jugular vein, and continue through the chest or thorax to the heart, lungs, abdomen, and digestive tract.

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What Are The Vagal Nerve Branches?

The vagal nerves have two main branches: the left and right. These vagal nerve branches join to form the vagal trunk.

The left branch is positioned on the left side, and the right branch on the right side.

They connect at the esophageal hiatus near the esophagus and extend into the abdominal cavity or belly.

The vagal trunk has an anterior (front) and a posterior (back) part, leading to the gastric nerves that reach the abdomen.

The inferior ganglion branch serves the muscles of the throat, pharynx, and voice box (larynx), while the superior ganglion branch connects to the spine and ear.

The vagus nerve branch impacts the heart, lungs, esophagus (tube from the mouth to the stomach).

How Does The Vagus Nerve Affect Health?

The vagus nerve is a key player in the parasympathetic nervous system, helping relax the body during periods of stress.

Although we’re not always completely sure how it operates, we know it stimulates deep breathing to enhance the calming effects of the parasympathetic rest and digest nervous system, effectively countering the stimulating effects of the sympathetic fight or flight response.

As a bridge to the enteric nervous system (ENS), which governs the function of the GI tract, it communicates with the central nervous system (CNS), ensuring proper control of movement, secretions, and immune function in the gut.

The vagus nerve keeps bacteria balanced and blood flow efficient, supporting gut-brain health by communicating effects on anxiety levels, heart rate, digestion, and weight gain.


The vagus nerve’s functioning has a significant effect on anxiety levels, heart rate, digestion, weight gain, and much more.

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What Is The Connection Between Your Vagus Nerve And Anxiety?

When your body senses danger, the sympathetic nervous system triggers alarm bells to warn the brain of an imminent threat.

In early humans, this fight-or-flight response helped us prepare for immediate action against predators, like a tiger in the woods ready to pounce.

This state of stress kicks the body into survival mode so we can react to life-threatening dangers.

But when the tiger has wandered off and the threat has passed, the vagus nerve comes into play, telling the brain to relax, ease tension, and downshift the stress response to a more calm and balanced state.

Today, we may not face tigers, but everyday stressors like poverty, poor sleep, and dysfunctional relationships can still lead to an intense fight-or-flight response.

Emotional triggers, including abuse or discrimination, can put the body in a constant white-knuckle feeling like driving on an ice-covered road.

The vagus nerve counteracts the sympathetic alarms, helping to offset this stress.

By stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, it helps to reduce anxiety and stabilize health, according to Dr. Lin, potentially reducing the higher risk of health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and Type 2 diabetes.

Using certain crystals to activate the vagus nerve can improve health and put it in motion to ease everyday challenges.

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What Conditions And Disorders Affect The Vagal Nerves?

The vagus nerve can be involved in a variety of conditions. Gastroparesis occurs when the nerve damage stops food from moving properly through the stomach and intestines.

Factors like diabetes, viral infections, and abdominal surgery can damage the nerve, resulting in issues like scleroderma.

Vasovagal syncope is a condition where the nerve overreacts to extreme heat, hunger, anxiety, or pain, causing fainting (syncope).

This sudden drop in blood pressure makes individuals feel dizzy or faint under stress.

What Are The Signs Of Vagus Nerve Problems?

Conditions affecting the vagus nerve can cause several symptoms, varying based on which nerve branches are affected.

You might experience abdominal pain, bloating, acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Other signs include changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar.

Difficulties like swallowing, loss of gag reflex, dizziness, or fainting may occur as well.

Sometimes, the vagus nerve issues lead to hoarseness, wheezing, or a loss of voice.

Digestive concerns like loss of appetite, feeling full quickly, nausea, and vomiting may also result in unexplained weight loss.

crystals for fight or flight

17 Best Crystals For Vagus Nerve

Exploring crystals for vagus nerve offers a holistic approach to enhancing our well-being by balancing our chakras.

Each chakra supports different bodily functions, and certain crystals can amplify these benefits.

Let’s dive into the top crystals for the Solar Plexus, Heart, and Crown chakras and see how they can specifically support the vagus nerve.

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Solar Plexus Chakra: Supporting The Gut And Vagus Nerve

The Solar Plexus chakra is crucial for our gut health, and it has a significant connection to the vagus nerve.

Balancing this chakra can enhance digestive functions and promote overall well-being.

1. Citrine

Citrine is a bright yellow crystal known for its ability to bring joy and positivity.

I once recommended Citrine to a client who was experiencing low self-confidence and digestive issues.

She placed it on her work desk and noticed an improvement in her mood and energy levels.

This shift in positivity not only helped her approach challenges with a better mindset but also eased her digestive discomforts, thereby supporting her vagus nerve by reducing stress.

2. Golden Tiger Eye

Golden Tiger Eye is a grounding stone known for its protective qualities and ability to stabilize emotions.

A friend of mine, who often felt anxious and overwhelmed, started carrying Golden Tiger Eye in her pocket.

She reported feeling more balanced and confident, which significantly reduced her stress levels and calmed her digestive system.

This emotional stability was crucial in supporting her vagus nerve and overall emotional health.

3. Pyrite

Pyrite, also known as “Fool’s Gold,” is renowned for its ability to enhance willpower and focus.

I had a colleague who placed Pyrite on her desk to boost her mental clarity and confidence.

The stone’s empowering energy created a productive environment, easing tension around her digestive system and helping her vagus nerve remain calm and balanced.

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4. Sunstone

Sunstone radiates a joyful and positive energy, which is beneficial for gut health.

A client who used Sunstone during meditation sessions shared that its sunny vibrations provided him with a sense of motivation and inner peace, leading to improved digestive health.

This inner joy and motivation helped him maintain emotional stability, thereby supporting his vagus nerve through reduced stress.

5. Yellow Calcite

Yellow Calcite is known for its cleansing properties and ability to amplify positive energy within the Solar Plexus chakra.

I have a personal story where I placed Yellow Calcite on my desk to uplift my spirits and clear my mind.

The stone’s cheerful vibes helped me relax my gut and indirectly benefited my vagus nerve by alleviating stress and promoting a positive outlook.

Heart Chakra: Supporting The Heart And Vagus Nerve

The Heart chakra is essential for emotional balance and cardiovascular health. Balancing this chakra can promote a calm and regulated vagus nerve.

6. Chrysocolla

Chrysocolla is a turquoise stone known for its calming energy, making it perfect for the Heart chakra.

I recommended Chrysocolla to a client dealing with anxiety, who then carried it in her bag daily.

She noticed a soothing effect on her emotions, making her more compassionate and calm in her relationships.

This reduction in emotional stress supported her vagus nerve by maintaining balanced emotions.

7. Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine, often referred to as the “stone of opportunity,” harmonizes the Heart chakra and enhances emotional resilience.

I gave Green Aventurine to a friend facing significant career changes, and she felt the stone’s gentle energy helped her remain positive and focused on new opportunities.

This emotional balance and resilience contributed to a well-regulated vagus nerve.

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8. Emerald

Emerald is a vibrant green crystal associated with love and renewal. During a challenging time, I wore it as a pendant, and its balancing energy helped me cultivate patience and forgiveness.

This emotional clarity reduced my stress, indirectly benefiting my vagus nerve and keeping my overall health stable.

9. Malachite

Malachite is known for its protective properties and ability to absorb negative energies.

A client once kept Malachite in her workspace and found it significantly reduced her anxiety and shielded her from negative influences.

This calm and protective energy prevented tension from building up, thus supporting her vagus nerve and promoting emotional well-being.

10. Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is universally recognized as the stone of unconditional love. I often keep Rose Quartz by my bedside to nurture calmness and cultivate self-love.

Its comforting energy soothes my emotions and promotes emotional stability, creating a sense of peace that indirectly supports my vagus nerve by reducing stress.

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11. Ruby

Ruby channels powerful and passionate energy that aligns with the Heart chakra. I gifted Ruby to a creative friend who was experiencing a creative block.

He discovered that Ruby’s vibrant energy boosted his creativity, confidence, and emotional balance. This reduction in stress and increase in self-esteem supported a healthy vagus nerve.

12. Watermelon Tourmaline

Watermelon Tourmaline is unique in that it blends the green and pink energies of the Heart chakra, fostering balance and compassion.

I gave a piece to a family member, who reported that it enhanced her relationships and calmed her emotional responses.

This clarity and balance supported her vagus nerve by maintaining a harmonious emotional state.

What Is The Vagus Nerve

Crown Chakra: Supporting The Brain And Vagus Nerve

The Crown chakra is vital for mental clarity and spiritual connection. Balancing this chakra enhances brain functions and supports the vagus nerve.

13. Amethyst

Amethyst is deeply connected to the Crown chakra due to its spiritual and calming properties.

I often use Amethyst during meditation to clear my mind and balance my thoughts.

This practice helps reduce stress and promotes relaxation, which is beneficial for maintaining a well-regulated vagus nerve.

14. Apophyllite

Apophyllite facilitates clarity and spiritual connection, enhancing brain functions.

One of my clients placed Apophyllite in her meditation space and found that it brought her greater insight and helped break negative thought patterns.

This emotional clarity and balance were beneficial for her vagus nerve, promoting a peaceful mental state.

15. Clear Quartz Or Herkimer Diamond

Clear Quartz or Herkimer Diamond is known for its amplifying properties, enhancing clarity and focus.

I incorporate Clear Quartz into my daily routine to maintain mental clarity and reduce stress.

This practice helps keep my vagus nerve balanced by minimizing mental fog and promoting a focused mind.

16. Fluorite (Purple Or Rainbow)

Fluorite is known for its ability to boost concentration and mental clarity.

A friend of mine kept Fluorite near her workspace and noticed that its calming energy significantly enhanced her focus and reduced her stress levels.

This mental clarity and emotional stability were essential for supporting her vagus nerve.

17. Scolecite

Scolecite is renowned for its deeply calming energy, promoting spiritual understanding and peace. Meditating with Scolecite has provided me with profound relaxation and clarity, helping my vagus nerve remain well-regulated by fostering a clear and stress-free mind.

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How To Choose The Best Crystals For Vagus Nerve?

Choosing the best crystal for vagus nerve requires understanding the different chakras and the specific crystals that align with them.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you make the right selection:

  1. Identify the Affected Chakra: The vagus nerve connects multiple organs, and imbalances often appear in the Solar Plexus (gut health), Heart (emotional well-being), and Crown (mental clarity). Determine which chakra needs support.
  2. Understand Each Crystal’s Properties: Each crystal has unique properties that resonate with specific chakras. For example, Citrine energizes the Solar Plexus, while Rose Quartz soothes the Heart.
  3. Trust Your Intuition: Look at images of each crystal to see which ones catch your eye. Hold them in your hand, feel their energy, and listen to your gut feeling. Sometimes, a particular crystal will “call” you.
  4. Create an Intention Bag: Once you’ve chosen a crystal for each chakra, place them in a small pouch that you can carry with you or keep nearby. This intention bag amplifies their combined power to support the vagus nerve.
  5. Incorporate Personal Experience: Think about any past experiences or stories from friends, clients, or family that relate to these crystals. Using crystals for fight or flight that have proven beneficial in the past for certain symptoms or emotions will enhance their effect.

This intuitive yet research-based approach will guide you in selecting the best crystals for vagus nerve to support your well-being.

How To Use Crystals For Vagus Nerve?

Crystals can be incredibly helpful in supporting the vagus nerve by promoting relaxation and balance. Here are several ways to incorporate crystals into your routine:

1. Meditation Practice

During meditation, hold or place crystals like Amethyst and Rose Quartz around you to encourage calmness.

This method has helped me personally by enhancing relaxation, reducing stress, and putting the vagus nerve at ease.

2. Energy Alignment

Use crystals during energy practices like Reiki or chakra balancing. A client who worked with Clear Quartz and Citrine reported better focus and improved mood, which significantly benefited her vagus nerve.

3. Wearing Jewelry

Wear crystal jewelry, like a Ruby necklace, close to the throat chakra to support vocalization and communication, which can aid the vagus nerve.

4. Daily Affirmations

Use crystals like Fluorite or Rose Quartz while speaking positive affirmations. This combination can enhance positivity and provide an emotional boost, helping to keep the vagus nerve relaxed.

5. Carrying An Intention Bag

Create a small bag with crystals such as Chrysocolla and Golden Tiger Eye to carry throughout the day.

This practice can keep you grounded and positively influence your vagus nerve.

Other Natural Ways To Stimulate The Vagus Nerve For Better Mental Health

Vagus nerve stimulation can significantly improve your vagal nerve tone and ability to respond to stress.

By counteracting harmful signals that cause anxiety, incorporating healthy living strategies can activate the vagus nerve naturally.

Key methods include regular exercise, a balanced diet, and consistent sleep.

Simple exercises like breathing exercises and biofeedback help with emotional regulation and energy.

Activities like forest therapy, mindfulness, meditation, tai chi, and yoga reduce stress and anxiety.

Repeat these practices to increase your heart rate variability, strengthening vagus nerve function and allowing the sympathetic nervous system to recover faster.

I’ve personally found these techniques to be effective for myself and my clients.

Can You Measure Vagal Nerve Tone?

Vagal nerve tone is widely studied, and you can measure how well the vagus nerve is working by monitoring heart rate variability.

This variation refers to differences in time between heartbeats. Stronger vagal tone means a higher heart rate variability, while a weaker vagal tone leads to a less variable heart rate.

Higher variability shows the heart is constantly reacting to its environment, with sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems well balanced and able to adapt to changes.

Studies have linked higher heart rate variability with reduced risk of heart disease, increased brain function, and a stable mood.

Differences are often in very small fractions of seconds, but commercially available mobile health devices can help check your heart rate variability.

Gadgets like a chest strap, a clip for the ear or finger, or even some fitness watches can measure these differences accurately.

From my experience with clients, tools like these can provide valuable insights into your vagal tone, helping guide lifestyle changes for better health.

Final Thoughts

Understanding the connection between crystals and the vagus nerve offers a natural, holistic way to promote well-being.

By identifying your specific chakra needs—whether it’s the Solar Plexus for gut health, the Heart for emotional stability, or the Crown for mental clarity—you can select the most suitable crystals, like Citrine, Rose Quartz, or Amethyst.

Trust your intuition and visual appeal when choosing, as these stones can guide you toward emotional, physical, and mental balance.

Creating an intention bag with your chosen crystals keeps their supportive energy close by, helping to nurture your vagus nerve throughout the day.

Trust in your own instincts, and lean into this practice to feel the positive impact of Crystals for Vagus Nerve health.

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