17 Best Crystals For Letting Go Of Bad Habits


Are you trying to break free from unhealthy habits but find yourself falling back into the same old patterns?

Whether it’s smoking, eating too much junk food, or spending too much time on social media, crystals can offer a unique support system.

By holding a special vibration, these stones not only bring a sense of calm and focus but also help us harness our inner power to change our lives for the better.

Using crystals like kyanite and quartz, which are known for their strikingly beautiful and positive energies, can empower you to quit behaviors that no longer serve you.

Kyanite, for instance, is a tool for mental clarity, helping to clear away thoughts that drive harmful behaviors.

On the other hand, quartz amplifies energy and intention, enabling you to feel empowered in your attempts to create a healthier lifestyle.

These crystals work by subtly shifting our energy fields, making it easier for us to make positive changes.

Tap into the supportive energies of these crystals to build a better, more fulfilling life.

Whether you are trying to stop drinking alcohol, spend less time on your phone, or break any other bad habits, remember, the journey is never easy, but you’re not alone.

Let these crystals be your close allies, guiding you towards a transformed and healthier version of yourself.

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Top 17 Crystals For Letting Go Of Bad Habits

1. Amethyst

Amethyst is a crystal that’s often underestimated for its ability to help with addictive patterns, especially those related to depression and anxiety.

This purple stone is not just well-known for its beauty but also for its healing powers.

Keeping an amethyst under your pillow or wearing it as a necklace can open your mind to new possibilities.

It’s said to clear negative energy and enhance intuition, making it easier to start putting yourself on a path to healing.

From personal experience, placing an amethyst in my pocket during high-anxiety moments has helped ground my thoughts and transform my energy towards something more positive.

Amethyst necklace

2. Tiger Iron

Tiger iron combines several minerals and is known for its ability to ignite willpower.

This stone is particularly useful for those moments when you need a burst of strength and power.

It’s recommended to keep a tumbled piece of tiger iron on your work desk or in a small grid at home to help shift your energy during extreme stress.

Mrinal, a healer I once worked with, advises using tiger iron to support not just physical stamina but also mental resilience.

It helps bring together all your internal resources when you’re trying to make significant changes in your life, such as stopping smoking or cutting down on excessive social media use.

Also Read: 30+ Best Pink Crystals for Heart Chakra

3. Carnelian

Carnelian is a vibrant orange gem known for its energising effects and ability to stimulate both physical and emotional energy.

It’s the perfect stone for those looking to embrace a more active lifestyle or go beyond their comfort zone.

Carnelian aids in breaking free from stagnant habits by cultivating confidence and motivation, thus allowing one to move forward with new ventures or healthier regimes.

Terri, a client who struggled with maintaining a consistent exercise routine, shared how wearing Carnelian earrings in her workout space helped her to increase her energy levels and stay on track.

She noted an immediate boost in her zest for life and found herself more able to stick with her training program.

Carnelian is also believed to attract prosperity and success, which can be beneficial when you’re trying to change habits that impact your financial well-being.

For example, if you’re letting go of excessive spending on things like takeout or online shopping, Carnelian can help reinforce your intention to save money and manage your finances more productively.

Its warm energy supports harmony within your body, making transitions and changes feel more fluid and less resistant.

Carnelian is not only great for physical activity but also for those needing to boost their creative output.

Whether it’s starting a new project or finding the courage to make significant life changes, this stone will give you the drive and passion needed to reach your dreams and desires.

4. Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is often celebrated as a master healer, known for its ability to clear internal blockages and reprogram your energy to align with your intentions.

Simply keeping a piece of this crystal by your side or wearing it as jewellery can amplify your efforts to change habits.

A friend of mine always keeps a quartz in her bra when she’s trying to stay focused on her journey to quit smoking.

She says it helps maintain her energy level and keeps her grounded and focused throughout the day.

Also Read: [Heal Your Spine]: 19 Best Crystals For Back Pain Management

5. Hematite

Hematite is a natural helper for those who want to kick bad habits and avoid falling off the wagon again.

It is particularly effective at grounding and calming the body during stressful times, helping one to stay clear-headed and free from disruptive thinking.

One client, who was trying to break free from nighttime snacking, used hematite bracelet to help her maintain a clear focus and resist stuck patterns.

She placed it under her pillow to help ensure a calm, restful sleep without the urge to get up and eat.


6. Kyanite

Kyanite, an aluminium-rich stone, is a powerful ally against entrenched negative habits.

It is known for its ability to instantly balance the chakras and blast away negative energies that can hold you back.

A colleague once shared how a kyanite necklace helped him break the cycle of procrastination.

He found that wearing it helped maintain a good flow of energy and balance throughout his workday, making it easier to manage his time and tackle tasks more effectively.

7. Apophyllite

Apophyllite, a crystal known for enhancing mental clarity, helps us by connecting to higher vibrational realms.

It raises our awareness, enabling us to analyse and identify unhelpful behaviours and habits.

Holding or positioning this crystal in spaces where you spend a lot of time can act as a mirror to your subconscious, clearing up mental clouds and promoting a better, clearer understanding of your actions.

A client, Sarah, found that keeping an apophyllite crystal by her side while working helped her clear out repetitive negative thoughts and root out blockages that were keeping her from moving forward.

8. Green Garnet

Green garnet, with its ability to tune into the heart’s desires, is great for expanding our sense of abundance and potential.

It opens our hearts and surrounds us with a frequency that promotes change, allowing us to receive and embody what we truly desire.

Mark, another client, shared how green garnet helped him change his habitual pattern of pessimistic thinking.

By wearing this crystal, he felt a shift in his energy that made him feel more expansive, attracting abundance into his life and letting go of the old, stagnant ways.

Also Read: Ease Your Mind: 17 Best Crystals For Anxiety And Depression

9. Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz is a powerful crystal known for its grounding and stabilizing properties, making it ideal for those looking to release old, unwanted behaviors and negative thoughts.

It brings a calm, serene energy that helps you stay present and let go of emotional and physical baggage.

It is especially effective when used during meditation or placed near the feet at bedtime to promote a deeper, more aligned sleep.

A friend once shared that placing a piece of smoky quartz under her pillow helped her surrender stress and anxiety about her past, allowing her to wake up feeling refreshed and rooted in the present.

This stone is also great for those wanting to solidify intentions and manifest new dreams.

It anchors the energy of the root chakra, located at the base of the spine, enhancing a sense of stability and security.

Another client, who struggled with severe self-doubt and was constantly thinking about past wounds, found that keeping smoky quartz close to her stomach helped neutralise her negative vibrations and relieve the symptoms of depression.

Over time, she noted a significant improvement in her overall well-being and found it easier to move forward and tackle new challenges.

10. Labradorite

Labradorite is a stone known for its ability to transform and shield the spirit.

It’s particularly useful for those dealing with overactive imaginations and fears that manifest in bad habits.

The stone strengthens your will and provides clarity, helping to banish illusions and highlight the truth behind your thoughts.

Holding Labradorite in your palm during meditation can calm your mind and connect you to your spiritual path, fostering a deeper sense of faith and trust in yourself.

A client once told me about her struggle with anxiety, which often led her to doubt her abilities.

She started carrying Labradorite and would hold it whenever she felt insecure.

She noted that it helped her feel more grounded and connected to her intuition, which increased her enthusiasm and perseverance.

Over time, she was able to initiate change in her life, breaking free from the spiral of negative thoughts and replacing them with new, empowering ideas.

This transformation was a powerful testament to the stone’s potent ability to guide and reveal deeper truths, allowing her to step back from emotional insecurities and move forward with strength.

Also Read: [Illuminate] Your Path With Labradorite & Moonstone Together


11. Citrine

Citrine, often referred to as the “sunlight stone,” is celebrated for its uplifting and warming qualities that imbue a sense of optimism and happiness.

This crystal is excellent for those who want to break free from destructive patterns, such as anger, depression, or rage.

It increases self-confidence and self-esteem, helping individuals to engage more openly with the world and be less judgmental of themselves and others.

A client, Emily, shared how citrine tree helped her overcome her sensitivity to hurtful criticisms that often led to feelings of depression and self-doubt.

By carrying a pointed citrine stone in her pocket, she felt a noticeable boost in her confidence and a greater willingness to take steps forward in her personal and professional life.

She found herself making decisions with a renewed can-do attitude, which resulted in positive changes and a greater sense of abundance and power in her life.

Emily credits citrine for its gentle yet powerful influence that allowed her to release fears and engage in a more positive and motivated manner.

12. Amazonite

Amazonite is a stone that acts as a powerful reminder to look towards your goals while breaking bad habits.

It is great for those who need help moving back from negative cycles and making good decisions.

A client, Lucy, found that holding an Amazonite during times of stress helped her not to rely on emotional eating.

She shared how this stone kept her focused on her health goals, reinforcing her willpower each time she was tempted to backslide.

13. Chrysocolla

Chrysocolla is a beautiful, gentle stone that assists in releasing fear-based actions and fostering power within one’s true self.

It allows individuals to express themselves more authentically, shedding bad habits that are no longer serving them.

My friend, Jack, used Chrysocolla to overcome his habit of procrastination.

He felt that it helped him look at his projects with new energy and releasing the old patterns of delay, making his workflow much smoother and more productive.

Also Read: Why Chrysocolla & Malachite Belong Together!

14. Staurolite (Fairy Cross)

Staurolite, also known as Fairy Cross, is an excellent mineral for those seeking to find bravery in letting go of traits and habits that no longer serve a purpose.

It gives a sparkly boost of energy and power, providing strength in challenging situations.

Another client, Derek, used Staurolite as a reminder that he can move forward without holding onto negative relationships or habits.

He shared that the cross shape of the stone served as a symbol of intersection—where his past met his future, allowing him to release the old and embrace the new with confidence.

15. Black Onyx

Black Onyx is a powerful stone known for boosting inner strength and will-power, making it wonderful for those trying to break attchments or bad habits.

It brings lots of energy to the effort of forming new, better routines.

A client, Dave, shared how wearing a Black Onyx bracelet helped him maintain focus and avoid distractions while he was trying to quit smoking.

He found that the stone provided not just a forceful boost to his resolve, but also made him look inward, reinforcing his commitment every time he felt tempted.

black onyx

16. Onyx

Similarly, Onyx encourages the release of negative vibes and boosts positive energy, which can be beneficial in replacing bad habits with good ones.

Onyx is especially useful at night, as it helps create a smooth, calm environment that promotes better sleep and positive decision-making.

Kate, a long-time client, uses Onyx in her bedroom to banish nighttime anxieties and encourage a state of peace, allowing her to break free from late-night unhealthy snacking.

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17. Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye acts as a protective guardian, promoting a sense of security and peace within, which is vital for anyone looking to shed bad habits.

It boosts motivation and helps keep one focused and contented. Another client, Michael, used Tiger’s Eye during his journey to overcome his fear of public speaking.

The stone kept him calm and focused, allowing him to feel safer and more secure when standing in front of an audience, effectively replacing his anxiety with confidence and a sense of calm.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the power of crystals in breaking and replacing bad habits cannot be underestimated.

Whether it’s Black Onyx enhancing will-power, Onyx promoting positive energy at night, or Tiger’s Eye providing security and calm, these stones offer vital support in maintaining focus and motivation towards personal transformation.

Each stone, with its unique energy, helps in creating a positive environment that boosts one’s ability to let go of old, destructive patterns and embrace new, healthy ones.

This guide on crystals for letting go of bad habits has highlighted how these natural guardians can be powerful allies in your journey to a better, more balanced life, making them great tools for anyone looking to make a significant change.

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