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30 Best Crystals To Carry Daily

Have you ever wondered which crystals you should be carrying daily to harness the positive energy you need to enrich your life?

Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned expert in the new world of crystals, the idea of picking the right ones can seem a bit intimidating.

But fear not! As someone who has spent years exploring the energetic benefits of crystals with both friends and family, and advising clients on their choices, I’ve found that incorporating these beautiful gems into your daily routine can be as simple as wearing them in necklaces or bracelets.

This guide will introduce you to the 30 best crystals to wear daily, making it easy for anyone to channel positive energies into their everyday life.

Table of Contents

Why Do People Choose To Carry Crystals Daily?

Individuals choose to carry crystals daily for various reasons, each crystal offering unique healing properties that work to instill harmony and balance in a chaotic life.

For some, crystals are a means to calm an overactive mind, for others, they help maintain focus on important tasks.

Encased in a necklace or bracelet, these crystals act as a quick, easy-to-reach reminder of goals and aspirations.

Many of my clients appreciate how specific crystals enhance focus and productivity, seamlessly integrating into daily wear while offering functional benefits.

Moreover, crystals are not just potent tools for energy work; they are also beautiful, doubling as fashionable jewelry and accessories that complement any outfit.

My personal favorite reason for wearing crystals? They bring together beauty and functionality, serving as a physical reminder to harness productive energies throughout your day.

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30 Best Crystals To Carry Daily

Here are the 30 best crystals to carry with you for protection:

1. Malachite: The Transformation Stone

Malachite is a gorgeous green crystal and a great choice to wear daily.

It’s believed to help people let go of negative energy and behaviors that hold them back.

Malachite is known to bring new, innovative ideas to those who wear it, encouraging transformation by letting go of the old and welcoming the new.

In my experience working with clients, this crystal has facilitated profound changes in their personal and professional lives, helping them embrace new paths with enthusiasm.

2. Smoky Quartz: The Grounding Stone

Smoky Quartz is known for its ability to calm the mind and keep the wearer grounded during tumultuous, stressful times.

If you ever feel your mind start to race, making it difficult to concentrate, try taking a few moments to hold a piece of Smoky Quartz.

It’s great for clearing your mind before settling down for a meditation session.

I often recommend this crystal to my clients who struggle with anxiety during high-pressure periods, as it provides a tangible sense of peace and stability.

3. Tiger’s Eye: The Stone of Courage

Tiger’s Eye is a powerful crystal known to bring courage and confidence.

This golden-brown stone carries a lot of the Earth’s energy, making it perfect to wear when you start feeling self-doubt or need to project an aura of strength during an important presentation, big meeting, or interview.

Wearing a Tiger’s Eye can help you stay grounded and focused in challenging situations, providing the strength and courage needed to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Its empowering properties are also believed to have a calming effect on both mind and body, with grounding properties that are used to dispel stress, anxiety, and fear.

It’s a powerful ally in your healing journey, boosting confidence, calming the mind, and helping you find purpose.

A pro tip from my experience: wearing a Tiger’s Eye bracelet can actively promote courage and strength throughout your day.

Also Read: 9 Best Crystals For Inflammation

4. Green Aventurine: The Stone of Peace

Green Aventurine is a stone that symbolizes peace and serenity, an excellent choice to wear if you’re looking to attract calm, harmony, and tranquility into your life.

This beautiful green crystal is known as a powerful protective stone that shields your aura from negative energies.

It also has a calming effect on the nervous system, balancing the nerves and soothing cardiac rhythm.

If you’re feeling unlucky, wear Green Aventurine to attract good luck and positivity.

Wearing this stone can also help open your heart chakra to facilitate new love and increase trust between partners.

A pro tip from my practice: wear a Green Aventurine necklace on a long chain to keep your heart center open and receptive.

5. Amazonite: Enhance Communication Skills

Amazonite is a powerful crystal for enhancing communication skills, whether in professional or personal life.

It sharpens your ability to understand and convey ideas, giving you an edge in any situation.

This crystal also heightens intuition, helping you discern the truth in challenging scenarios and make the best decisions.

Its soothing blues and greens evoke a serene ocean, serving as a calming, fear-banishing influence.

Amazonite is ideal for promoting clarity in tricky conversations, both at work and in relationships, and helps households choose positivity over negativity.

It pairs well with bergamot, geranium, orange, juniper, spruce, and clove oils, while the affirmation “we belong to each other” complements its energy.

I have recommended it to clients who struggled with expressing themselves, and they found significant improvements after carrying it daily.

They could voice their thoughts confidently and make clearer decisions with its intuitive support.

6. Pyrite: The Stone of Abundance

Known as “fool’s gold,” Pyrite is a stone that helps bring great abundance and prosperity into your life.

Wearing Pyrite can make you feel lucky when making financial decisions.

Many business owners I’ve worked with keep a piece of Pyrite near their cash register to bring wealth to their store.

Also Read: 22 Best Crystals For Pendulums

7. Jade: The Stone Of Protection And Prosperity

Jade is known to bring luck and prosperity to its owner and is believed to be a powerful stone for protection.

It is often used in amulets and talismans to ward against bad luck and negativity.

This crystal, with its healing and protective properties, is used across cultures worldwide for thousands of years and remains popular today.

The most common type, Nephrite Jade, is found in shades of green, from light to dark, and is believed to provide benefits when worn regularly.

It helps in emotional balance, healing physical and mental trauma, increases confidence levels, and strengthens relationships with partners and family members.

From personal and client experiences, wearing Jade consistently enhances emotional resilience and fosters stronger bonds within personal and professional relationships.

8. Fluorite: The Stone For Focus And Balance

Fluorite is a mineral known for its wide range of colors like blue, purple, and green. It’s composed of calcium fluoride and has a glassy luster.

Believed to be an excellent stone for mental clarity and focus, it helps people organize thoughts and ideas effectively.

It’s also beneficial for calming chaotic energy and restoring balance in life.

Whether worn as fluorite jewelry or carried as a piece of crystal on your person, it’s known to bring positive effects to your day.

I’ve seen people use it daily for sharper thinking and balanced emotions, finding it indispensable in organizing their thoughts.

9. Blue Lace Agate: The Calming Stone

Blue Lace Agate is a calming stone that reduces stress and anxiety while encouraging verbal expression.

It strengthens the immune system, provides emotional balance, and aids decision-making with improved mental clarity.

Worn on the body or held in meditation, it’s among the best crystals for everyday wear to attract positive energy while protecting against negative influences.

Its gentle vibration fosters relaxation and peacefulness that can be experienced daily.

I’ve often recommended it to clients for its soothing qualities, and they love how it helps them express themselves with ease while keeping their stress at bay.

Also Read: 39 Best Crystals For Crown Chakra

10. Clear Quartz: The Ultimate Healing Stone

Clear Quartz is often called the ultimate healing stone for beginners due to its ability to amplify hopes and purposes.

It’s a wonderful stone to pair with affirmations or use alongside another crystal to amplify its focusing and healing effects.

In life and relationships, whether friendly or romantic, Clear Quartz helps you let go of negative energy and make room for things worth fighting for.

It pairs beautifully with essential oils like lavender or basil, and I often suggest using it during affirmation sessions to bring out your full, vibrant self and enhance your relationships.

11. Chrysocolla: For Compassion And Peace

Chrysocolla encourages compassion, peace, and forgiveness—the essential qualities needed for a true relationship with people.

It filters out judgment and self-condemnation, helping you rise above negative and unhelpful criticism to focus on more constructive ways to find healing and walk with purpose.

Chrysocolla pairs well with essential oils like basil, lavender, and sandalwood, while an affirmation focusing on the heart space clears out negativity and makes room for healing.

Clients often find this stone helpful for achieving a heart-centered space in life today.

Also Read: 20 Best Crystals For Breaking Attachment

12. Carnelian: For Motivation And Creativity

Carnelian is a beautiful little stone that’s been used since ancient times, with its fiery color giving a clue to its purpose: restoring motivation and invigorating creativity.

When your heart feels sluggish, or your friendships and relationships are stuck in a rut, this fiery crystal inspires courage, confidence, and passion.

Personally, when I need a push through fears and uncertainties, Carnelian is my go-to.

It helps remind me of my productivity goals and is great at keeping focus on things that matter most in life and for the people we love.

Clients also appreciate pairing it with essential oils like wintergreen, peppermint, or clary sage.

13. Citrine: A Spark For Creativity

If you’re having trouble sparking creative juices, try wearing a piece of jewelry containing Citrine.

It’s reputed to enhance creativity and ignite enthusiasm for lovers of fun who are creative and unapologetically love life.

Citrine is a stone of abundance, creativity, and power, known to attract success.

I always keep a Citrine nearby to bring passion and energy into my relationships and life in general.

It energizes me to attract more of what I’m looking for, live joyfully in the present, and maintain an abundance mindset.

Citrine pairs perfectly with essential oils like sandalwood, frankincense, orange, clove, ginger, and patchouli.

Using the affirmation “Creativity flows today” is a great way to reinforce its positive effects.

14. Pink Opal: Feminine Strength And Renewal

Pink Opal is a beautiful, feminine stone that helps reveal the flexible and enduring strength within women.

It embodies the cyclical and vibrant power often found in their spirit.

From my personal experience, this stone has encouraged renewal and has been beautiful to use when looking for healing to help find both relaxation and emotional balance.

It reminds me that I’m strong enough to make it through anything I’m facing today.

Pink Opal pairs beautifully with essential oils like frankincense, sandalwood, juniper, lavender, and orange.

Also Read: 27 Best Sacral Chakra Crystals

15. Amethyst: The Crystal For Stress Relief And Balance

If you’re feeling stressed out, Amethyst is the perfect choice to relieve that stress and everyday mental strain while keeping anxiety at bay.

For tens of thousands of years, humans have relied on its comforting energy, wearing it to repel negativity and restore a sense of clarity and calm.

As a starter crystal, it’s commonly available, beautiful, and a great overall balancing stone to help confidence rise.

Use it to ward off negativity, protect yourself from toxic people, and balance emotions out of whack.

When your confidence needs a recharge, hold it and repeat the affirmation “I am worthy of love.”

This stone pairs perfectly with clove, cypress, frankincense, and sandalwood oils.

From my personal experience, I’ve noticed that Amethyst can shift negative emotions into positivity quickly.

When I hold it during anxious moments, its calming vibe makes it much easier to regain focus.

16. Rose Quartz: The Stone Of Love And Trust

Rose Quartz is often referred to as the stone of love because it’s believed to bring love to any situation in life.

By wearing Rose Quartz, you’re encouraging understanding and harmony in relationships, helping you strengthen bonds with each other.

It’s a stone that reminds you of your own worthiness and that you are worthy of love.

Whether you’re seeking new connections or looking to deepen existing ones, Rose Quartz is known to help self-worth and self-confidence grow inside.

It also encourages you to release unforgiveness towards yourself and others, easing the pain.

This gem reminds you to affirm your worth and to become the person who attracts true love.

Pair it with ylang-ylang, lavender, jasmine, rose, or bergamot oils while repeating the affirmation: “I am worthy of the best kind of love.”

From personal experience, I’ve seen Rose Quartz enhance healing and attract the right relationships into my life.

17. Ruby In Fuchsite: Embracing Two Energies

Ruby in Fuchsite is a remarkable stone that combines both ruby and fuchsite, coexisting seamlessly in one crystal.

This unique blend reminds us that our hearts and lives can exist together harmoniously.

By keeping this stone nearby, you are constantly reminded of the healing energies that help nurture both relationships with others and with yourself.

Its presence helps increase concentration and motivation, making it an excellent crystal to have, especially for romantic relationships.

When you hold it, speak your intention clearly and let it pair well with essential oils like cinnamon, ylang-ylang, rose, ginger, and peppermint.

Repeat the affirmation: “My heart is important, and I deserve rest.” From my personal experience, using Ruby in Fuchsite enhances focus and harmony within and around you.

Also Read: 26 Best Crystals For Emotional Healing

18. Moonstone: Awaken Romance And Calm

Moonstone is a beautiful stone to wear for those who need help to see beyond clouded emotions and understand what’s really feeling inside.

If you find yourself feeling conflicting emotions, this whimsical stone can calm overactive emotions and relieve tension that’s been weighing on you all day.

Like the name implies, moonstone is deeply calming and peaceful, resembling the soothing energy of the moon to inspire dreaming, romance, passion, and creativity.

In my experience, this pocket-sized gem brings the colors of the rainbow together and encourages us to see beauty in daily life.

It can add a spark of romance and playfulness to your day. This little stone pairs well with rose, cypress, lavender, vetiver, and bergamot oils.

Use the affirmation: “I choose to find whimsy in life,” and let moonstone guide you to new possibilities.

19. Sunstone: Unleashing Strength And Courage

Sunstone is a crystal that reminds us of the fiery strength of the sun that warms the whole world.

This crystal has the power to warm the heart and mind and bring joy in a major way.

As a leadership stone, it symbolizes courage and readiness to step forward and take action.

Affirming joy, sunstone is perfect for helping nurture a sense of self.

When you meditate with this crystal, you can cultivate a deep sense of bravery and inner intuition to rise within.

It also pairs well with essential oils like orange, frankincense, neroli, clove, and myrrh.

The affirmation, “I am strong and full of life,” aligns perfectly with this powerful crystal.

20. Turquoise: Enhancing Communication And Protection

Turquoise is a stone that helps keep communication conscious by maintaining contact between the spiritual and earthly realms.

It safeguards travelers and protects their endeavors with protection for the world around them.

Wearing turquoise in beads, rings, or bracelets near the throat chakra is believed to aid self-expression, increase joy, and promote happiness and creativity.

Keeping a piece of turquoise near the third eye helps maintain clarity and focus throughout busy days.

21. Labradorite: Unlocking Mystical Potential

Labradorite is known for its mystical properties and ability to expand awareness beyond ordinary reality.

It can sharpen psychic visions and offer unique insights. When worn regularly, labradorite hones intuition and psychic abilities.

Carrying a labradorite stone or wearing a jewelry piece like a pendant enhances your helpful intuition throughout the day.

The iridescent flashes of color within this crystal stimulate creativity and provide joyous inspiration, while helping to dissolve fears that might block spiritual growth.

22. Hematite: Finding Balance In The Ebbs And Flows

Hematite is subtle yet powerful. These hematite crystals have richly grounding and centering properties, especially when worn as jewelry on the wrists or ankles or placed near the root chakra.

Hematite stabilizes fluctuating moods and calms overactive thinking, while boosting concentration, willpower, and focus.

It promotes balanced and steady energy and offers perspective during periods of change, overwhelm, or distraction.

Wearing or carrying a piece daily instills calm and resilience as you navigate life’s ebbs and flows.

23. Black Tourmaline: Building A Protective Shield

Black Tourmaline protects the aura from negative energies, electromagnetic pollution, and geopathic stress. Its grounding energy brings peace of mind.

Carry a small black tourmaline stone or wear it as jewelry close to the base of the spine daily to maintain a protective shield.

It absorbs excess stress and worry, making it very calming to hold or wear during anxiety-ridden times.

24. Emerald: A Powerful Heart Protector

Emerald is a powerful heart chakra stone that has been worn for protection since the era of Pharaohs.

It attracts good luck and fortune. When worn as a pendant, it helps keep your wits sharp and your mind fast.

Wearing it daily is practical, as emerald has a MOHS hardness of 8, which is higher than many other crystals like apatite, quartz, or calcite.

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25. Apatite: Confidence-Boosting Blue Stone

Apatite is a blue healing crystal known for being one of the best stones for reducing anxiety and social phobia.

It builds confidence, making wearing apatite necklaces, rings, or bracelets daily an excellent idea.

It helps polish intuitive abilities and opens the third-eye chakra and throat chakra.

26. Mangano Calcite: Ideal Heart Healer

Mangano Calcite is ideal for those who suffer from social anxiety and withdrawal. It eases nerves, eliminates pain, and repels stress.

This heart chakra stone is perfect for wearing during meetings or dates, as it makes one feel confident and empathic.

27. Red Jasper: The Ultimate Grounding Stone

Red Jasper is an ideal crystal for grounding when stress and anxiety feel like a dark cloud.

This perfect grounding stone connects to Mother Earth through the first chakra (root).

Healers believe that wearing red jasper rings on the left hand can make one feel hopeful, courageous, and charismatic.

28. Bloodstone: Ancient Remedy For Good Health

Bloodstone is an ancient remedy that supports good health by improving circulation, detox, and immunity while offering psychic protection.

Wear bloodstone on your arms or waist to help open all lower chakras (root, solar plexus, and heart).

Making crystal-infused water with bloodstone is also perfect for manifesting desires.

29. Diamond: The Versatile Harmonizing Crystal

Many people wear diamonds daily without realizing their harmonizing properties.

These crystals are perfect for everyday wear and come in different colors that awaken different chakras.

Regardless of which diamond you wear, it improves creativity, wisdom, grit, and charm.

Plus, the diamond is the hardest stone on earth, so diamond jewelry can last for ages.

30. Lapis Lazuli: The Stone Of Inner Truth

Lapis Lazuli, one of the next best crystals to wear every day, is a beautiful stone that encourages self-awareness and reveals deep inner truths.

Known as a stone of communication, it helps you express yourself with ease and confidence, while inspiring you to feel authentic.

Wearing this recommended stone, especially when you need to talk in front of a group of people or at a job interview, will enhance your public speaking skills.

It brings clarity of mind, making it a great stone for spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Wear it during meditation to promote inner peace and deeper understanding of self.

A pro tip: its deep blue color looks vibrant in gold settings.

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31. Tanzanite: Enhancing Creativity and Charm

If you feel shy, introverted, or lost at parties, wear tanzanite for a few days.

This will make you charming and interesting by enhancing your third-eye and throat chakras.

Wearing tanzanite earrings to the office every day can make you creative, charming, and intuitive.

The Benefits Of Carrying Pocket-Sized Crystals

Carrying pocket-sized crystals offers extremely stable energy due to their precise atomic makeup, making them natural choices not just for everyday purposes but also for technological components.

Engineers and scientists often use crystals in tech products because of their reliability, while people believe crystals have an impact on personal energy, helping them release negativity and welcome positive intentions.

A lot of people also use crystals for their beautiful benefits, finding peace in their vibrational properties.

1. Help With Anxiety Or Stress

For those dealing with anxiety and stress, this blog post is your TL;DR version for finding relief.

Many people experience a ton of stress from being scared of the future or overthinking what might happen. Using crystals can help remind you to live fully in the present.

By holding a crystal, feeling its texture and weight, and reflecting on the forces that created it and brought it to your hands, you can feel anxiety ebb away as you become more centered in the present moment.

2. To Amplify Intentions Or Affirmations

Crystals can serve as powerful reminders for affirming positive thoughts.

People often leave them in visible places like the bathroom counter, nightstand, or desk as a cue to pause for a moment and breathe deeply.

While holding a crystal, speak your affirmation or set an intention; this is a powerful practice that can uplift your day.

3. Help With Meditation

Using crystals during meditation can open your chakras while providing a mental reminder to come back to your focus.

Many report feeling centered and grounded when they use crystals during their practice, as the experience of crystal resonating deepens the session.

4. For Emotional Support

Crystals are powerful emotion-regulators for processing emotions like unforgiveness or self-condemnation.

They can help you visualize releasing negativity and finding peace. By blocking negative energy, they offer a free path toward a more balanced state.

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How To Use Your Pocket Crystals?

A pocket crystal is convenient to carry and can be slipped into your pocket, bra, or bag. You can also keep them as interior decor or near your essential oils.

During meditation, place a crystal on your mat or chakra points like the third eye or heart.

Nearby in the bath, shower, or under your pillow while you journal can offer consistent inspiration.

Can I Wear My Crystal All Day?

Yes, you can wear your crystal all day if you choose a crystal that matches your energy and needs.

Crystals with a MOH hardness scale of 7 or harder, like Quartz or Amethyst, can generally be worn every day without problem.

However, softer stones like Selenite and Calcite are not recommended for everyday wear as they can easily get scratched or damaged.

If you’re choosing crystal jewelry, always check the hardness of the stone before buying to ensure durability, especially since some stones may fade or crack in sunlight.

Crystals such as Rose Quartz, Kunzite, and Aquamarine should be cleansed and charged regularly by placing the stone under the full moon or smudging with sage or Palo Santo.

Be mindful while wearing your crystal, as some people find that wearing a crystal for extended periods can be overwhelming.

Pay attention to how your body and mind respond to the stone’s energy and adjust your usage accordingly.

How To Wear Crystals The Right Way?

When it comes to spirituality, it’s believed that each side of the body holds a different meaning and influence.

If you wear crystal jewelry on the left side—considered the feminine or receiving side—you will take energy in.

For instance, wearing a Rose Quartz bracelet on your left wrist helps you receive its healing energy and benefits when you’re aiming to increase self-love.

On the right side, known as the masculine or giving side, the focus is to release energy.

Wearing a crystal bracelet on your right wrist helps to send energy outward and share it with others.

If you’re going to a family reunion, for instance, wearing a Black Tourmaline bracelet on the right side can help protect loved ones by releasing protective energy outward.

How To Cleanse Your Pocket Stones?

After you purchase crystals, it feels good knowing they’re carefully chosen and often cleansed by a Reiki healer.

But after a while, these crystals need cleansing due to the negative energy they’ve absorbed.

Don’t worry—there are simple and easy ways to charge and cleanse pocket crystals.

You can set them out for the day in direct sun or leave them out all night during a full moon.

Another method is to place them on or near selenite, a master cleansing crystal.

Alternatively, you can bury them in the ground overnight, and if you do this under a full moon, that’s extra bonus points!

Also Read: 15+ Healing Crystals For Pregnancy And Fertility

FAQs About Best Crystals To Carry In Your Purse

1. How Do I Know Which Crystal To Use?

Your body already knows which crystals you need. When you’re drawn to one, hold it and notice how you feel. Goosebumps or a vibration indicate a strong attraction. Read descriptions of crystals to learn more about their uses and pick what will be most helpful.

2. What Crystal Should I Always Carry?

Clear Quartz is the master healer that helps align your chakras from tip to toe. It balances stagnant energy and dissolves blocks. It’s known as an amplifier and brings balance to your emotions.

3. What Is The Most Powerful Crystal To Wear?

Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Citrine, and Black Tourmaline are all high vibration stones that offer energy balance and spiritual healing. From master healers to catalysts of manifestation and love, they are essential for a better life.

4. What Is The Safest Crystal To Wear?

Black Tourmaline is a protective and grounding stone that repels negative energy. It’s great for keeping bad energy away from your body, home, or workplace.

5. What Crystals Should Beginners Avoid?

Avoid crystals like citrine and selenite near your higher chakras when falling asleep. Cinnabar and malachite contain toxic substances and can pose serious health risks.

Final Thoughts

The best crystals to carry daily seamlessly integrate healing crystals into your everyday routine through jewelry, pocket stones, or elixirs, providing energetic benefits that promote protection, empowerment, and inner peace.

They offer grounding for your body while meeting your daily self-care needs.

Their harmonic resonance enhances inner peace and positivity, enriching each day with their uplifting vibrations.

By carrying the right crystals daily, you can effortlessly incorporate them into your life and experience their transformative power.

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